Wednesday, December 30, 2009
New vision to welcome 2010
Like what ppl say life is shine cox of dream.
What dream that blowfish want to pursuit?
In career wise, guess blowfish don know what she can do anymore just let god guide her to the path she suppose to be :-p
Eh blowfish why sound like no motivation for career one???
After 3years of working experience, blowfish really think in workspace we just need to execute our work make sure it done and dont be busy person or trying to step other to go up else end up will get bad karma(really see example of this)
Hehe!!! beside that blowfish think god always give what blowfish need, help to develop her, send her angel(unagi) to guide her what to do.
So why worry about career le :-p
In family wise, blowfish hope all member in her family is healthy and wealthy :D (only 2wish think not too greedy ho :-p)
In love wise, guess it's time to move on. If found suitable one blowfish will make sure she sold out in 2010.
In Health wise, guess blowfish want to start back all the exercise effort again next week already stop exercise for so long abit worry weight will bouncing back la :-p
By end of 2010, if got chance blowfish really wish can go hike kinabalu mountain else when getting older more hard to have the determintation go hiking.
Review back 2009, blowfish feel proud of herself. Eventhough no big achievement but blowfish give herself 80% mark as blowfish really think she live life to the fullest d :D
Hopefully blowfish can continue this trend in 2010 :D
Gambatte blowfish
Tonight is new year eve, guess everybody got their own new year eve celebration plan. Blowfish will follow the POR, watch movie in front TV and shout together with everyone in the TV when then countdown for 12AM and look at the fireworks from TV :D
Happy NEW Year All, wish u all the best for 2010 :D
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Good luck
Really no idea just suddenly feel whole body no energy, doesnt have any mood to do anything.
What happen blowfish? what bothering u?
Today the gal call cindy(zhu hui) MSN with blowfish again, start with all bluffing story till blowfish browse her MSN profile pic confirm she is blowfish ex wifey only find out she is bring blowfish around the garden. Blowfish really sad, why in this world there is so many lie?
Blowfish just want everything to be simple, u tell me the truth and blowfish just believe it and don need guess when u talking the truth when lying.
Cindy say she doesnt have any bad intention but just want to be blowfish friend but do she aware that in this world there is some ppl that will never become your friend? Why she need come and disturb blowfish life just be her friend? Really for friend only?
Blowfish doesnt hate her cox blowfish understand one relationship doesnt work not only cox by 3rd party. The relationship itself having issue. Blowfish really confuse why cindy win blowfish ex d, still come here and say want to be friend only what her intention? really be a friend? or ???
Blowfish don know............
Feel cry but when blowfish ask back myself why need to cry no answer, guess it is very stupid to being influence by those ppl that doesnt means anything in our life. Blowfish feel so sad, heart so pain is it in this world no more truth, everything is just about lying?
Monday, December 28, 2009
After confirm she not blowfish friend cousin, blowfish start to notice that this name very familiar hmm checking in mind where blowfish see this name........
Taada!!! this name is my ex bf punya wifey le.
Issss..... what the hell this gal come and add blowfish???
blowfish:" are u teck chyi gf?"
zhu hui:" no, who is TC?"
blowfish:" u from china"
zhu hui:" wow u so smart"
blowfish:"u from what state?"
zhu hui:"hang zhou"
blowfish:"are your name 朱慧?"
zhu hui:" ya, u really clever la"
blowfish:" then how u get my address?"
zhu hui:"i searching and found u feel that ur face same like my uni teacher"
blowfish:"u know wat, your name,place of stay is same like my ex bf current gf"
zhu hui:"is it maybe his gf is my younger sister zhu juan"
hmm blowfish really confused this gal info all match with what blowfish ex bf wifey info why she claimed she don know him......
Should blowfish believe her? or blowfish just think too much d everything is just coincident???
Blowfish telling this story to unagi.....
Blowfish:".........(telling story)......"
unagi:"haha...just laugh about it la,if she single pls let her know got guy here highly recomended"
Blowfish:"if u really on with her then u will lost one friend,so please choose"
:-p sound abit fierce, somehow deep in heart blowfish don like china gal
This wat we call prejudis, yeah blowfish know but too bad cant help herself.
Kesian unagi :-p
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
做个比例,我时常觉得患上皮肤敏感是一件好惨的事,但有好多人在外面在生死关头争扎都不放弃反而积极面对人生,珍惜赚到的每一天。反观我每天为了敏感而消极,真的不象话 :-p ,真该好好反醒。
一个温暖的家 - 一个把我照顾的无微不至的妈妈,每回想妈妈撒娇时我都会会心一笑, 好喜欢逗妈妈每回她都会被我逗得又气又笑, 大概我在妈妈眼里是永远长不大的小坏蛋.
一个稳定的工作 - 其实好喜欢我现在的工作,压力是必然有的但每回完成一个任务,心里就会觉得满满的,好有成就感,可能在别人眼中,它并不是什么大事但对我来说,这是对我努力的肯定。
一班与我臭味相投的猪朋狗友 - 好庆幸上天让我遇见一班谈得来的朋友,可以一起聊天,一起运动,一起购物,一起说东南西北, 一起做好多好多的事情。真的想说声谢谢你们,你们让我的生活有色彩。
Monday, December 14, 2009
Photo session from spike
Aiks, blowfish never bring back any cloth la simply wear la. Then bring him to maxwell hill but nothing up there :-p end up he request blowfish to become his model and have photo session with blowfish.
Quite like the photo take by spike. Too bad that time blowfish doesnt have enough sleep end up got panda eye :-p + din cincai wear cloth only =.=
Let share it out here :D

Blowfish like this picture, from this angle blowfish body look small :-p(eventhough in actual no la :-p). Blowfish also like the way spike photoshop this picture :D
This wat ppl call professional ma at least got minor edit.

Ppl say 回眸一笑 for pretty gal is enough to killz a person. Don know this pose can successfully do this effect or not :-p (hmmm..... Blowfish start dreaming again)

Blowfish really sacrify herself le, sitting on the dirty rock luckily the effect not bad else spike prepare being killzzzz by blowfish :-p

That guy somor ask blowfish friend whether blowfish is a model :-p (so happy dont blek la let blowfish syok sendiri a while)
Blowfish like this picture MOST.

Monday, December 7, 2009
Hectic week
Travelling from Km->PG->taiping->PG->KM wow if count the mileage the figure sure amazing.
After go thru this few day, my colleagues ask me:"why u look so chan(old)"
Aiks lady that >26 really start aging la, never have enough rest for few days already start to feel no energy whole day + sleepy + @_@(panda eye) better blowfish go sleep after write this blog.
Jenny wedding dinner:
Meet with ex WPOC program team member for 2006 annual dinner. So happy get to sit with them chit chat. One of the team member agnes just get pregnant, she is one of the hang fook lady. Being take care by her caring husband, even accompany her go toilet :-p. Another hang fook gal is marilyn able to find her right guy living happily ever after with him :D. Really Happy for them.
Hang fook little gal is one of blowfish dream previously but blowfish think that she is too independent now till she don feel that she want to be protected as she good enough to take care herself even her family (hmm....... mindset problem :-p)
When chatting with anges, CF and HB, all asking blowfish about her status. They keep on thinking there sure a lot fish swim around blowfish. When blowfish tell them no fish around blowfish nobody want to believe blowfish =.+ Blowfish really wondering why everybody think there sure a lot fish swim around blowfish??? Guess that the problem everybody think blowfish sure got other half or at least got lotsa fish swim around her that why till now she still...... aha ROOT Cause found :-p. Now blowfish refuse to answer all this kind question as nobody will believe her answer :-p
Saturday outing with spike&SK + attending YP(taiping) wedding
After finish dinner on friday night, blowfish drive all the way back taiping after she reach home already 11++ after remove make up + bath by the time she sleep is >12.30AM v_v super tired + sleepy tot the next day she will sleep soundly till the sun ray hit blowfish butt only blowfish will wake up. But too bad wat blowfish plan always not working as it should be :-p(think next time better don plan :-p).
Around 8AM, blowfish boss calling blowfish feel so stress tot got work for blowfish =.+ after answer the call only know he actually asking me out to accompany spike go around taiping since we are taiping rang sure need to become tour guide la. First place we visit is max well hill, we take the truck go up the hills. Due to lack of thing to snap picture, spike request blowfish become the model to snap picture still waiting the picture once he send out blowfish will share it out here :D. After spend 2hours at natural place(quite boring la cox nothing we can do there :-p) we finally go down and get blowfish first meal at 12PM. Blowfish so so so hungry la nearly faint think blowfish cant skip breakfast else will feel super hungry and eat2 double the normal portion :-p
At the afternoon time, we go to portweld to snap cacoal factory picture but too bad it is raining day thus not much picture we can snap :S (if blowfish know blowfish will rather stay at her bed). Since cant take picture anymore we just go for the famous kari mee there and start eat2. Seem to blowfish this is eating more than travel :-p
Night time dress up and attending YP wedding, lotsa ppl there. When first go in really che kong cox don know give the ang pau to who as no counter there. After asking one aunty only know is the bridgegroom mother successfully pass the ang pau to the right person :-p. Food of the night is nice, some of the "good" singer go up the stage show off their "skill"(blowfish so bad comment on ppl talent :-p)
Sunday become ppl ji mui (sister) in PG
After tiring saturday, blowfish need to wake up early morning dress up in white dress + make up and then rush to PG to become jenny ji mui so so so sleepy la. Can see blowfish face turn to become muka sekupang. After lotsa phone call to ask for direction at last blowfish manage to reach bride house(blowfish really salute herself in good direction sence (start to syok sendiri:-p)). All the jimui is the bride secondary schoolmate, hmm all is leng lui sure la including blowfish :-p. All the game prepare by them is really.......... U all read thru and comment la :-p
1. create shit(combination of peanut butter, banana +milo powder) put on the pampers and ask the brother(hengdai) to eat, yuck think of it blowfish also want to vomit :-p
2. 2 person in one group play human hulahu, where by one need to become hulahu hanging the other one body and swing (they purposely match the fat +slim one pity the slim fellow :-p)
3. Eating special char kuey teow where by got wasabi inside then use wasabi to wash the teeth :-p
4. bridgroom to run and shout"jenny2 i love u, PG come to bring u"
All the games really funny la luckily all the hengdai quite sporting so worry they will angry :-p since blowfish don know most of the ji mui feel abit boring there thus just stand there help to block out the heng dai :-p
Thinking of writing more feeling here but too sleepy stil not yet recover from the tiring process that blowfish go thru last weekend. Blowfish must start back exercise plan as she already skip that for 2 weeks feel so stress without exercise. Hmm all this need to blame the stupid gym access that only open after 7AM how blowfish able to make it if they open so late they expect employee all come work late??? aiks so ineffective.
Hmm better stop writing here share more tomorrow on blowfish feeling :D. GOOD NIGHT ALL.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
所以还是从朋友做起最好,大家互相了解,互相包容,一起品尝酸甜苦辣, 若那人真的适合你再开始也不迟。
若一切都有朋友作起,两人学会珍惜对方,但 感情 》 爱情。
一对可以互相扶持,不离不弃的关系是我最向往的。 但在这时代人是如此的现实,真的会有真爱吗??? 我怀疑。。。。
Monday, November 23, 2009
Can anyone tell blowfish?? Is it blowfish look like a dump fish, easy to get via fishing???
This the story which trigger blowfish to think:
A unquantified fish swim near blowfish. A friendly fish like blowfish (please tahan yourself from muntah :-p) easily make friend with this new unknow fish.
In technology era, networking via facebook is one of the daily activities.
From there u can get a lot of first hand news.
This unquantified fish status is set to in a relationship thus all the while blowfish is chop him as ppl bf however this fish really weird. He keep on tell blowfish the status just for fun purpose. Blowfish really go and believe him at beginning. Until blowfish saw his picture with his so call gf hugging pic :-p then only blowfish realize this guy is lie.
(According to blowfish best friend, guy normally will lie, they will only set "in a relationship" cox of the other half is forcing them :-p don know true or not but quite make sense)
But all this none of blowfish business just blowfish wondering why this unquantified fish keep on trying to cheat blowfish. As a friend blowfish don like ppl keep on try to cheat blowfish somor try so hard to make blowfish believe that he is single =.=
The most2 funny part is he told blowfish that in his facebook the one he call LPo is his brother Law Po =.= harlo your brother is also in blowfish friend list le somor his name is andrew how to turn become Law po. Deep in heart blowfish start to @#$%%!!! but still maintain polite, ppl don want to admit wat we can do. Just ignore la.
Blowfish just try to be friendly if this fish keep continue this trend think better just block this fish. isss........ Hate ppl treat blowfish like blowfish is low IQ or ppl call terencat akal.
Maybe blowfish look blur2 from outside but blowfish isnt that blur tho.
21公里, 要说长,不长,要说短也不短。 由岂是对我们这些头一遭的人来说决对是非常挑战。
在比赛未开始前,一边驾车,一边摇头, 一边盘算待会要如何完成这不可能的任务。
未免心中的毅力被思想左右, 我对自己说我不需要怕只要尽力了无法达到予期的效果也不要紧只要懂得欣赏过程就好了。
抱着这想法, 我放慢脚步,好多人超越我, 好胜的我真的花了好多力气说服自己别被别人影响。
列如之前演讲的画面,之前跑步的速度,盘算着于我现在的体力我大概自能跑一个小时接下来该怎么好呢?? 等等的问题。
为了不让大脑继续涂搽我的思绪,我只好望海,望路, 看人(主要是看有没有帅哥)。
加油喔!!! 佩丝但愿你在日常生活中一直有这股热诚。
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Why? what happen blowfish?
Blowfish participate on KID(kulim innovation day) event today present on her project. Feel nervous from morning 8.30AM till 3PM as she the last presenter for the innovation event. Looking at all other presenter, their thing look so superb. Deep in blowfish heart, she know she wont win this year (sign of no self confident). Luckily blowfish friend + best friend keep on motivate blowfish tell blowfish that "U CAN".
After listen to 7presenter idea, blowfish know that blowfish have very little chance to win thus blowfish just want go up and just present for her project without put any hope :-p with this mindset blowfish heartbeat back to normal. Calmly go up the stair and present her project.
When finish presenting, judges start to ask blowfish question. First question blowfish already cant answer =.= blowfish really no idea what the judges trying to ask blowfish :-p luckily the judges very good, he say if i din go to so depth is ok :D
After judges question, it time for audience to raise question for blowfish. Suddenly all the audience very active post >2 question for blowfish luckily blowfish able handle it.
When go to time for announcing the result, blowfish pray that she can get second prize although blowfish know she not qualify :-p $$$ le everybody also want right :-p
First running up prize not fall to blowfish :S aiks abit sad ......
Come to first prize winner blowfish already tot want to leave the hall but based on emcee description seem like the winner is.........
Yes blowfish win the unexpected prize :D feel really happy. When boss congrate blowfish time, he suddenly tell blowfish that blowfish need to continue this trend next year as blowfish already be the winner for 2years must at least win 3times =.= hope he just joking else die la blowfish need to scratch head and think of new project.
熟悉的 陌生的 都会擦肩而过
属于我 很简单的快乐
我期待一个人 能够保护我
我期待一个人 能和我分享快乐
属于我们的 寂寞的快乐 ...
Disclaimer: this is lyric from one song which i think quite nice thus would like to share with u all.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
random thought
If u think blowfish will write about ex again then u are wrong :-p, after talking about ex for so long time, it time to let story end la. Last weekend blowfish just take out all the letter and burn it, when burn the letter blowfish doesnt feel anything thought blowfish suppose to feel sad or sheed some tear but blowfish burn all the love evident just like tat :D
No heartbreak feel, No tear come out, No shaking hand when throw the letter to burn :-p
Sure all wondering why blowfish suddenly got courage to burn it???
Blowfish just think if keeping all the letter will hold u back then why keep it although in future u look back all this letter u will laugh but still blowfish think way to forget one thing is just eliminate it from your life :D
=.= blowfish thought u say u don want talk about ex anymore :-p why still talk long2 here???
The title love here actually refer to mother love. Recently really touch by mom. Can feel her deep2 love for her children.
Mom: Now i got nothing to worry except u, please take care yourself really sad see u suffer for allergy.
Blowfish: (Deep in heart blowfish feel warm can see mom really feel worry for blowfish. Aiks blowfish promise will try control the diet and make herself healthy)
Guess mom really worry blowfish feel stress, she sponsor blowfish to fix car, every weekend also got extra money :D Mom don worry la, blowfish din feel stress. It time for blowfish to learn how to control the cash flow.
Dont worry mom, your little gal is independent enough to withstand all the storm, even fall down she will able to stand up again. This the blowfish spirit: Never give UP!!!
Love u mom hope that blowfish can make u feel happy and don feel worry for blowfish, blowfish will take a good care of herself.
Thanks for all the love that u gave blowfish. Blowfish feel greatful for having u beside blowfish :D
*** Seriously think this entry should write in chinese so that can better describe the feeling deep inside blowfish heart.
Birthday celebration
Many ppl asking blowfish what she do during birthday???
Typically she doesnt do anything just go for lunch with colleagues and go dinner with best friend.
Get lotsa wishes from friend at facebook, email.
Dont know why blowfish not really like her birthday cox every year her wishes never come true even though the wishes just a simple one.
Luckily this year no birthday cake for blowfish so she don need make a wish :D
Thanks everyone for the lovely wishes.
PG marathon event is held this weekend, Blowfish really hope can finish the journey in specific time and get cert for it. A series of training being done, jogging for one hour (end up walk like zombie :-p) , badminton, hiking + gym. Hope with all this training, blowfish stamina is enough to keep her running for 3hours. Cross finger blowfish can finish the run.
Thinking of marathon is fun however there are some minor techical issue :-p
Registration start at 2.45AM, bridge close by 12AM. If blowfish drive to PG by 11PM, where blowfish should go lepak to wait for the event???Feel reluctant to go disturb friend make them awake in midnight =.= still thinking.........
Luckily blowfish have nice division that offer blowfish to camp at his house :D
Problem solve, PG bridge Blowfish coming :D
please don mistaken this as Kids aka children. KID here refer to kulim innovation day. Blowfish paper being selected for presentation. Last year blowfish paper buta2 win first price hoping this year same thing will happen but looking at the other paper title all sound like so xxxx how to fight la. Just try her best la. Blowfish got advantage also as got support from her best friend :D which really help her a lot in term of giving blowfish idea how to write good presentation, give blowfish motivation :D Thanks really appreciate it.
Wish blowfish good luck for this KID event :D
Still happy swimming alone in the sea with her fish friend. Guess blowfish is kind of fish that suitable swim alone. She can enjoy the sweet time :D
However in order to keep blowfish from feel lonely guess blowfish need to set new target or dream for herself to busy with.
Hmm dream, this the tuff part. Blowfish really dont know what she want to achieve........
Let blowfish think2 tonight.
Life is wonderful let appreciate every moment we have. Eventhough we might suffering now but blowfish strongly believe after taste the bitter everyone will taste the sweet part of life also.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
每当妈妈看到我的皮肤都皱眉头外加摇头,妈说若有选择她愿意以我交换皮肤,心中暖暖的。 这就所谓的爱吧!!!
好想再和命运斗下去不任输,就允许自己颓废一个晚上吧!!! 明天会更好不是吗???
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Present from bf(best friend)
Why meaningful???
1. Blowfish keychain
got 2 fish in the key chain small fish inside the big fish
Look at the keychain really look like blowfish. Really like the key chain as it represent blowfish and blowfish sure BF buy this cox of this reason as well.
2. Elephant statue
According to best friend if the elephant touch your head they will bring luck for u. Think he really know blowfish no luck thus buy this statue for blowfish to help her in this area :D in this statue got 2 elephant inside as well, Yes luck x2 :D sure blowfish will start see light tomorrow issue all solve by itself.
Best friend say that he let the elephant touch his head and end up today he win prizes so regret cox never give him blowfish picture to let the elephant touch else today blowfish will be the lucky draw winner.
Or blowfish should blame her best friend as never bring the elephant statue for her.
3. Don know how to name this item :-p typically it is a vase whereby u can put candle in :D
Thanks best friend for not forget blowfish while travelling :D
Anxious night
Since last weekend, blowfish encounter a lot issue after blowfish keep on complain boring :-p think law of attraction really exist. By friday issue start say hi to blowfish =.=
Why friday !!!! Weekend Spoil.........
Throughout the weekend, blowfish bring phone with her. If the phone is away from her, she start get uneasy :-p really afraid if there is ppl call her to escalate issue.
Heartbeat increase.............
The angry part is the problem is not cause by blowfish but cox by stupid system. Everything is good before the new thing implement to blowfish operation after the thing implement blowfish in deep shit.
Everyday help ppl sweep the shit, feel frustrated but must maintain cool as blowfish really don want to spoil good relationship with partner. This really request high EQ.
Phew!!! luckily till now blowfish still able to control herself from blow up.
Thinking of effective confrontation, thinking of solution of issue, thinking of many2 thing......
Hope tonight not a sleepless night else office will have one panda tomorrow don need go zoo also can see panda :-p
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Bet of the day
To be fair, blowfish let him place the bet item :D else all other friend say blowfish naughty go bully ppl :-p
Blowfish:" TQ for your MCD :D"
Friend:" want another bet???"
Blowfish:"Can2, what u want to bet today??? blowfish got bring wallet today to be fair let u place the bet criteria la :-p later say blowfish bluff you to treat me MCD susah :-p"
Friend:"Emm, want to bet who got more money in wallet??? else can bet who got more coin in wallet"
Blowfish:"Emm don want bet for coin cox blowfish wallet is full with coin sure lose la like tat :-p"
Friend:"ok let put this way, if now your wallet got new RM50 limited edition then u get one free meal, what meal u decide"
Blowfish:"huh really :D, new RM50 blowfish have la. But got limited edition one meh??"
Friend:" ya la, the one with merdeka logo at right hand corner and state RM50 there, i give u one week time go find and snap the RM50 with your face inside send to me then u can claim for your meal"
Blowfish:"I tot only got 2 type of RM50, one is old one, another one is new one la. Blowfish never aware wat is the picture on the money le. Let me go search"
Blowfish start to ask around and try to make sure whether the money that her friend ask for exist before she agree with the bet ( u know la gal always want win one :-p).
After ask around nobody really sure about the picture on the new RM50 :-p
Since not sure thus blowfish decline today bet with her friend :-p
Blowfish go for badminton, during dinner time blowfish succesfully exchange new RM50 with miss tour guide and find that the RM50 picture is showing merdeka logo where by u will see tunku abdul rahman shouting "merdeka!merdeka!"
After back to home, she quickly ping her friend and proudly show him the RM50 that they bet previously :-p but too bad no more free meal for today since blowfish decline this offer previously :S
Thanks friend for enlight blowfish day :-p now blowfish know how new RM50 look like. Don worry tomorrow blowfish turn to open for bet, blowfish will think a good bet and win another MCD from u.
Any idea what blowfish can bet with her friend and she sure win one???
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
photo taking session at studio
This item being put onhold for many........ years.
Until early this year, blowfish see family photo from her relative taken at one of the studio nearby, the photo look very nice this trigger blowfish on this old2 dream. Although this dream already put on hold for 10years hope it doesnt too late for that :-p but sure will have some degradation la :-p
Without further delay blowfish go enroll for photo taking session together with her cousin. After enroll, blowfish just put this aside doesnt really go for the photo session. U know why???
Cox that time blowfish is still very plum :-p what to do eat too much good thing in US, face round body round :-p thus photo taking session project being onhold.
Photo taking session being enroll and put onhold for half year, blowfish mom keep on ask blowfish go photo taking session as afraid will expired soon(valid for one year). Since blowfish already get rid of her round2 appearance and go back to POR state, time for photo taking session. Blowfish had go for photo taking session last weekend.
Guess sure a lot ppl want to know the result right??? :-p
Follow normal flow, blowfish always screw up last minutes :-p
Blowfish having insomia the day before the photo taking session :-p don know why blowfish brain just too active :S
Next day go to photo studio with blur2 brain, see blur2 gal help blowfish make up. The make up gal seem like very depress :-p face macam muka sekupang :-p but don care la as long she help blowfish do a good make up enough la.
Within half an hour make up done, when blowfish look at mirror really have a shock.
Shock here cox of the make up is too heavy especially the brushes. U know the brushes look like those make up for dead ppl :S
Blowfish company culture is to complain when u think thing is not right thus blowfish complain this to the shop owner but they not agree and claim that it will look nice in photo.
What blowfish can do??? just believe expert opinion lo.
Somehow end result show that we should not believe in expert opinion but should stick to own opinion as we know wat is the best for ourself :-p
Look at the picture blowfish really don like the make up, look very mature cox the make up too heavy. Blowfish think she can do a better make up for herself :-p
Other than make up, photo shooting skills by the cameraman is good. He teach blowfish posing and put a lot of nice background for blowfish.
Picture will be out this weekend hopefully they will help blowfish edit the make up part else @#$%^^!! don blame blowfish for complaining on their service :-p
Free MCD for dinner
Why blowfish get free MCD???
Blowfish play some trick and successfully win one set MCD :-p
What trick blowfish play???
Story start point:
Blowfish:" recently blowfish really pokai la, pay insurance, go KL shopping :( "
friend:" I also very pokai wo, need you to treat me lunch"
Blowfish:" let bet see who wallet got more money that person need to treat the other half MCD, deal??"
(** in actual blowfish forgot to bring wallet to office that day, hiak2 sure win la like this :-p shhh dont tell blowfish friend else no free MCD d :-p)
friend:" okok, sure your wallet money more than me"
Blowfish:" ok, how much u have in your wallet??"
friend:" RMxxx, how about u??"
Blowfish:" hiak2!!! u need to treat blowfish MCD d :D"
friend:" why???"
Blowfish:" cox blowfish only got RM8.50 in pocket cox blowfish never bring wallet just borrow RM 10 from friend for breakfast :-p"
friend:" =.="
At first blowfish tot joking with this friend but today this friend really bring blowfish MCD deliver to blowfish cube on dinner time.
Blowfish so happy to eat free MCD.
Still remember during Uni time, blowfish not really like MCD cox blowfish doesnt like to eat bread. Somehow during final year blowfish being influence by her ex roomate, since then onwards blowfish crazy for MCD. Eat twice a week is normal thing for blowfish, especially when blowfish and ex roomate boring study whole day in room, MCD enlight our day :D
Too bad Kulim doesnt have MCD shop, need to travel to butterworth if really want to eat MCD.
Thus blowfish very happy if get chance to eat MCD in KM like what blowfish have today :D
Thanks friend :D
Monday, October 12, 2009
Hardrock Annual Dinner

A lot ppl asking blowfish how the annual function???
Zero cost solution still working :D (YEAH!!! mission accomplish)
Blowfish manage to make up and hairdo by herself.
Start preparing since 2.30PM, take bath, dress up.....
Start make up while chatting with friend complain on blowfish lousy skills :-p
Due to lack of experience blowfish really sweating while make up :S really feel regret blowfish should just go to shop let ppl setup everything rather than do all by herself aiks.
No choice still need to continue make up with shaking hand :-p
After get advice from expert, blowfish start her make up by put powder, eye shadow(peach color), brushes and lastly lipstick. Look in front mirror still can recognize ownself means SuCCESSFul :D
Next step - start hairdo.
Previously try tie look nice but on tat day blowfish try tie many time cant get the effect that blowfish want :S, put a lot gel to curl the hair but the hair look very messy due to time constraint just cant do anything to help it :-p
HAI once again blowfish really think next round should not go for ZERO cost solution :-p
If ask blowfish rate herself on that night, blowfish will fail herself :-p
Totally out of the theme :-p not 70/80's appearance from head to toe :-p
Start to feel nervous+ feel out :-p.
Once step to hardrock hotel, start photo taking. Blowfish doesnt bring camera cox blowfish doesnt know where her camera go :-p (biasa la cannot expect too much from big prawn head). Get some ppl to take some picture for blowfish, blowfish doesnt take much photo that night will post more photo once get update from friend :D.
Overall food on that night is ~~so so expect for the first dishes. Other than that either tasteless or too salty :-p end up our stomach is still empty when the last dishes is serve :-p. Although the food is lousy but overall performance for that night is not bad cox they invite a MC that is good joking. Few times blowfish cant help herself laugh till stomachache, face also pain :-p
Forget to mention that blowfish win "miss gorgeous" during that night :-p really a big surprise for blowfish when she saw her picture on the screen. When they announce the winner is MISS YONG, blowfish stunt there :-p
Walk to stage gently (blowfish try to walk slowly but unagi still comment that blowfish walk more fast then the hunk :-p), shake hand with the manager get the voucher next step sure la run away from stage :-p
Cameraman :" hey!hey! not yet snap picture la"
Blowfish too gelabah tat time doesnt aware that blowfish need to pose in front the camera :-p guess blowfish just a clumsy gal :-p
kesian at the camera man cox no chance to snap picture =.="
Next month is our department dinner, guess blowfish doesnt want to use ZERO COST SOLUTION anymore, just go to shop sit there let ppl help blowfish to setup and go attend the party without feel stress :D
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Annual dinner
Prior this event a lot of preparation work for gals.
From head to toe........
This year the theme is "A Glance Back In Time" where by all should wear follow 70's/80's .
After read the title, one idea flash thru blowfish mind......
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
时时感谢及感恩你所拥有的,你不一定拥有比别人多但若懂得及时惜缘, 心中致富那我相信你是天底下的智者。
若当下的你觉得生活很困难, 别气馁,换个角度看待问题你可能发现事情并没那么糟。每个挫折都是一把力道把你推向前方,若细心回顾以往的挫折你是否发现你从当中学会了好多人生宝贵的一课。
当静下来的萨那,默然发现其实这一却所唯的坏运气其实是源于自己的没耐性。若驾驶时,我可以再小心点,有耐性一点, 那无辜的小狗就不会无辜牺牲。痛定思过后,我答应自己不再危险驾驶,不再没耐性,毕竟生命没take 2,别再作出令自己遗憾的事。但一时要改掉坏习惯谈何容易呢??? 但我一定会加油的.
Monday, September 28, 2009
lower end of sinusoidal part2
What happen blowfish???
Blowfish bang a lorry on sunday, the car door is penyek :(
the stupid lorry park at the road entrance, blowfish not aware enuf on the distance and here we go Bang!
At first blowfish still tot blowfish just hit the rubber part of the lorry but haiz actually the rubber part that blowfish tot is metal =.="""
Deep in blowfish heart @#$%^!!! STUPID LORRY
Blowfish is going to pokai this month, go shop in KL, pay insurance almost all salary gone d. Now bang lorry somor issss......
since the car still can drive just ignore the ugly door la :-p wait until next month.
Sorry my little poor car ruined your handsome appearance. Please forgive your master.
Monday normal is a good start for the week but too bad today blowfish did one bad thing. Blowfish accidently hit a doggy which try to cross the road. Blowfish did slow down the car, hope the dog can run fast enuf. However blowfish car is speeding during that time (80km/j) by the time the doggy cross half way blowfish just hit the doggy. ouch!!!! blowfish was in trauma hard stop the car nearly hit tiang at roadside. When look back from side mirror, there is nothing on the road not sure doggy able to run away but blowfish really think blowfish hit the doggy. Deep in heart blowfish really feel sorry for the doggy, blowfish really wish blowfish is the one who get injured and not the doggy. Blowfish really scare of the feeling where by u owe ppl something that forever un-returnable.
Pray for the doggy is the only thing blowfish can do for it.
SORRY doggy, if there is chance to flash back blowfish will select hit the tiang or go into other side rather then hit u.
Hope doggy can die peacefully and lead a good life. SORRY
SORRY really help anything??? Guess NO, this just let blowfish less guilty feel.
Think blowfish to change to vegetarian since blowfish really cause so many innocent life(doggy+kitty) dies like tat :(
Today is just simply not blowfish day, when first open the mailbox, lotsa issue come in most of it is Xfile. Really catch no ball why it happen, till now still feel confuse. Hai how to solve it la!!! Suddenly feel extremely tension, extremely down, extremely guilty,extremely.......
A lot of feeling coming in
In conclusion blowfish feel uncertain about many2 thing.........
Blowfish hope that she will find the strenght to continue on......
Like she always do.....
Let pray for her.....
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
女孩长大后结识了一位她认为可以付托终生的伴侣,对方也有如女孩的父母疼爱这女孩。女孩感到好幸福好感谢上天对她的厚爱。好像每段感情一样小两口还是禁不起时间的考验,原因无它,当初的感觉不在了, 在的只有对这段感情负责任。 虽说女孩感到他并不是她的理想伴侣但她还是觉得没有人可以像他那么好了就这样的爱情的火花升华成为感情。女孩以为他俩可以相守到永远就如童话故事里的王子与公主奈何他遇上了另一个让他动心的女孩,童话梦灭, 女孩跌得好痛好痛。 虽说女孩明白他俩并不适合在一起但分手的刹那,女孩的心开始冷却不再憧憬未来只是努力活在当下。
不知不觉一年又一年的过去了,女孩依然孤单一个人等待, 等待些什么她不知道。身旁有好多对女孩好的男孩但无论他们再好女孩还是觉得无法投入一段新的感情。其中一位令女孩好感动,感动的当儿还有更多的亏欠感因为女孩好怕别人对她好而她最终还是要伤男孩的心。女孩好怕面对男孩,他越是对她好,她越是逃避。女孩尝试考虑他们之间发展的可能但内心除了怕还是怕,女孩觉得男孩是一位好好先生将来还会是个好丈夫但女孩总觉得如此好的男孩应该找一个体贴的女孩而不是看上一个任性的女孩,女孩好希望男孩会遇上一个比她好一万倍的女孩共度一生别再花时间在女孩的身上。女孩心中默默的祝福男孩, 希望他幸福。
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
梦想= =天涯流浪记
好想把谨有的钱买机票到外国找一份工养活自己,即使是一份小二的差事都无所谓只要可以每天无忧无虑的过生活。在每个地方呆上一段时间,探讨别人的文化及生活方式。好喜欢了解别人的文化,感受历史如何改变人们。每回上历史课我都很精神我想一定好多人会说我变态 :-p
当今的社会教育真的健康一味教导人们重物质享受, 渐渐的人们就忘了其实想拥有好的生活不一定是要不断的创造财富而是感恩现在所拥有的。在我的眼中钱只是一个数字用来维持生活,从没好好计划赚钱大计反观身旁的朋友都积极的归划将来,真的好惭愧。我想我比较喜欢自由自在的生活不想为了钱而烦, 钱嘛只要够用就好。
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
最好的比例就如水,无论它流到那里,它都能随意随着容器的形状而改变没有东西可以改变它,如此随心所意的。 纵使环境不停的改变但没有东西可以改变它。
再美好的回忆都已随风而去何不向前望, 今早得晓远方朋友无故身亡直憾事世无常,活在当下珍惜生命的每一刻。
Monday, August 10, 2009
苦尽- 药的苦味道可以尽快离开我的生活。
甘来- 别无所求,只希望从此可以健健康康的过生活。
回想起这三年的路程, 好心酸。
1 Klinik Arun - 为了让皮肤好转,忍痛每天去打针, 足足打了一个星期,手每一处都被打得黑青,然而病情并没好转,人还发福。
2 江沙中医 - 擦类以泥巴的药在伤口, 据说可以把里面的毒血清理。每回擦那药都好痛,还要忍痛拿竹括伤口直到鲜血不停的流, 好几次我都误以为我是活在地狱里,每天都好怕回家,好怕擦药。。。。
与药褒做朋友的滋味不好受, 药的苦永远比不上心中的苦。
每回别人一直往我的脚望去,我好想把我的脚藏起来, 好想问“看什么看没看过吗???”
还好我终以遇到了我生命中的贵人, 那中医妙手回春帮我条理好身子,现在只需诫口别吃些对身子敏感的食物即可。脚上的疤痕也有改善希望它快快和我说再见。
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
当你拥有时不觉得什么大不了, 一旦失去或默然回首才惊觉失去的永不复还, 一切已成追忆。人真的好奇怪越是得不到的就成为心中最想得到的东西, 一切痛苦的来源就因为心中的那份执著。
是的,回忆好美,它记载着我们所走过的岁月。当一切成败都成空留下的就是足够陪你过一世的回忆, 让你慢慢的回味当中的酸甜苦辣。
相信大家多少有一些不好的回忆, 是否想把它删掉??奈何回忆就像永远无法被我们到达的角落, 你可以不去想它但它永远存在你的记忆中。试着坦然的去面对它吧!!! 越是逃避越是碰到这你想忘了的角落。
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
我也不是在等着一个 今夜不会出现的你吗???
忽然好想念以前的时光, 每天都享受自由自在的生活,有一大班的室友,同学一起拚命k书,一起疯,一起作弄别人,一起吃喝玩乐,一起说长道短,一起。。。。。。
忽然的感慨想是因为当年龄不断的增长朋友们开始有自己的生活, 有自己的家庭,有伴侣,相聚的机会也相等的减少, 孤单一个人的我有时真的会忽然想说:“忽然好想你们,好想一起走过的日子”
上个星期才出席朋友举办的"potluck", 每人都买些东西到朋友家相聚。能再一次与分别已久的朋友相聚, 心中说不出的喜悦。

聚会我们买了好多食物, 但食物只是配角,主角当然是大家。大家互相问好,互相交流,述说近况
有時候最簡單 最原始的 最初的或許才是最好...
有些人或許常常在抱怨自己不夠快樂 不夠幸福 不夠富有
但其實你跌到谷底的時候不滿足 飛到雲端還是會不滿足...
當然我的意思並是說這一大圈是白繞了 而是應該抱著美好的心情去追尋自己的可能性
而不是總是怨天尤人就算會回到原點 也還是走了一遭 任何喜怒哀樂都是你的回憶...
跌了跤也好 遇到挫折失敗也好 回頭看看自己的原點 那最簡單的生活 其實並沒有那麼糟 對吧?
Monday, July 27, 2009
(谢谢妈, 为我牺牲睡眠提早为我把所有的东西都准备好)
虽说我觉得我是个独立自主的人(请别反肚:-p)但也不介意有时享受被呵护的感觉。 女人嘛, 该懂得几时须要独立,几时需要依赖。
习惯把不愉快的事物说出来原因无它只不想把自己活活给憋死, 希望不会未老先变成长气。
最近发现我忠实的聆听者(妈)变得好聪明, 我只说了开场白她已帮我猜到我特意隐藏的“意示“
妈:“每个人的缘分都不同,有些人的路比较好走, 有些比较难”
孤单是当你再也找不到在身旁默默支持你的人。虽说这世上没人少了谁活不成,但当你想放弃,需要别人支持时,这位默默守候在你身旁的人可以为你加油让你有重新冲刺, 走下去的勇气。我不怕跌倒只因我懂就算失败,家永远是我的避风港。
还有好多的幸福还没写下来但眼皮已慢慢的掉下来, 没法啦明天再与你们分享。
Thursday, July 16, 2009
可能没有吧,只是若不回家,心中忽然感觉到有一个无法填满的空洞, 而这空洞就是寂寞感的来源。觉得只有我一个人在一个小房间面对着四面墙, 悲哀啊!!!
对于爬山真是又爱又恨。当爬得汗流峡背时,心中难免会诅咒几百回, 当完成任务时,心中有说不出的满足感。慢慢的漫步走下山是种享受,听树叶掉落的声音,听溪水流动的声音,听昆虫的声音,闻着树发出的树香, 看这一片绿色的森林,心中感到异常的平静。
我是否应该把所有旧情书烧毁,好几次说让妈妈把它烧毁但每回心中总是会感到非常的不舍。收藏着这些信但再也没勇气去翻看它,信中的讯息还历历在目但一切已人事已非。 心中除了感到无奈还是无奈。
居然男方没表示那就是说人家只当你是朋友咯不必费心。虽说连盲人都看得出男方的底牌是什么,但男方不说难道要女方说吗??? 若实情与猜想有出入那丑就出大了。所以无论如何一定要男方先开口才说出心中想法。若真的迷惑了就躲起来想想。但做女生的还是别太过于敏感这样会少为自己自造麻烦。
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Happen to talk with friend thru IM few days ago........
Friend:" how life??"
blowfish:"go read my blog la, blowfish got update there"
Friend:"really everyday sport??
blowfish:":D ya la"
Friend:"sound very systematic :-p"
blowfish:"wah so diplomatic ar want to say dull say la"
Friend:"actually want to say robotic"
Suddenly think that blowfish life really become more routine sometime really feel life is dull.
But like what blowfish share previously blowfish just wish to life simple life, no up and down in life, no gain thus wont experience the pain of lost.
Hope life is robotic but body don become robotic need to tune it thru exercise :-p
Blowfish:" how life?? got wife d, any different compare to previous???"
Friend:"still the same, when u want to become ppl wife???"
Blowfish:"nobody want me wo so no choice la just can be ppl daughter for time being"
Still remember ppl say god create human in pair, u will meet your pair when the time come :D
Blowfish strongly agree with this, right timing right people then happy ending.
Congratulation for lao weng, his house got new family member :D
Wish small bb grow up healthy, full with happiness.
Blowfish mom just back from hongkong, she call and complain that relative all afraid of her(not her la blowfish think they afraid of H1N1) :-p just ask her to quanrantine herself for one week before go meet any ppl. Even blowfish also din dare to go home :-p(joking la, blowfish just go back during weekend only tat time ngam2 one week quanrantine :D)
Yesterday while waiting shuttle to go other factory plant, suddenly a car stop by offer to fetch blowfish go there. Blowfish know this guy(just see before la :-p). Go in the car sure start introducing process :-p. He comment that the way blowfish play badminton really ganas doesnt match with her appearance :-p this one blowfish know. Many ppl being bluff by blowfish appearance. Actually blowfish not soft type gal la don tertipu by her appearance :-p
know another new friend :D
Friday, July 10, 2009

孤獨, 可以多無奈?
Thursday, July 9, 2009
还记得当我从美国回国, 我妈差点人不得我, 知道为什么吗???
之前我还自以为可以去美国闭门修练,在回国前变瘦变美无奈世事总是事与愿违。没办法啦,我太喜欢快餐及煎炸食物。每回站在秤上面心跳加速,但每回看到美味的食物所有担心就不知跑到哪里藏起来。我总是有办法让自己相信情况并没这么糟, 我想这想法就是一股力量让我时常都可以苦中作乐。原来想要活得开心,人一定要学会欣赏自己。
情况维持到几个月前,第一次莫名其妙的被一位同事嘲笑因为我比她重。虽然我并没介意但总觉得当众踩低别人抬高自己的行为要不得。我并没因此而减肥,继续我行我素。直到一阵子忽然发现好多衣服好像缩水了才发现是时侯该行动了。当同事约我一同去健身室(早上6。30), 我毫不考虑就答应了。刚开始时真的好难在约定的时间起床, 好几次还成了飞机王。慢慢的上健身室成了生活的一部分,在闹钟还没响起, 我已苏醒。生活也开始规律化。
第一个月好想放弃因为每当我站在秤上体重还是没改善(其实这小姐还是没减少食物量)。还好自我勉励有效的鼓励我继续下去。终于在努力了几个月体重下了3KG, 好高兴,现在终于可以重新穿上我爱的衣服。
Monday, July 6, 2009
平淡 =!闷
无尽的愿望正是痛苦的来源, 若你拥有它,你还是会坐立不安,为什么呢???
因为拥有那就会害怕失去, 从不想原本的我们原本并不拥有什么。
若拥有会让人活在失去的恐惧中那为何不学会放弃。虽然,讲永远容易比作容易,但我还是很努力学习放下。若我的速度慢请多多包含,所有的道理我都懂, 奈何事与愿违, 就让时间帮我打开回忆的枷锁做个笑看人生的智者。
现在的我并没什么愿望,只要平淡的过每一天, 心可以有很多空位去领会佛的真理。
再没有愿望,只有一心向佛的心。 我想第一件事要做的是消除杂念,静心修养, 放慢脚步与周围事物调协。
还记得那时的我还学着戏中的主角扎同样的发型, 若有机会再和大家分享照片。
人人都要微笑,早上要微笑,下午要微笑,晚上要微笑,小孩要微笑,大人也要微笑,小猫也微笑, 小也微笑, 大的也微笑。。。。
我想若我再写下去很多人会忍不住抱怨说我胡言乱语, 请多多包含这超级还珠格格戏迷。
好喜欢看旧照片,记得小时侯, 好容易满足所以时常为了些小事情而高兴一整天。 那时的微笑是多么的天真无邪。但跟着时间,环境的改变,慢慢的那微笑不见了。 人的心也越来越冷漠。为了怕被伤害而建上一层又一层的防卫。
看到我是别忘了跟我微笑, 你的微笑对我来说是世上最美的色彩。
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
很多时候因为担心会得不到别人的谅解而不敢坦白。 原以为善意的慌言但且因为要圆第一个谎言而篇更多的慌言。为何害怕得不到别人的谅解呢?? 我相信了解你的人会体谅你, 站在你的立场为你想。不了解你的人你又何必在乎他呢???
别以为爱一个人像电影里的情景那么简单只要说“我爱你”然后承诺一些一生一世。在学会爱别人之前,因该先学会爱自己。 爱情就像一场赌博,你永远无法知道那人是不是你的MR RIGHT直到你勇敢走向前。世上没有100%的人只有50%的2个人。学会欣赏, 包容另一半。
Monday, June 29, 2009
无奈我并没有姣好的面孔也没有魔鬼的身材, 所以只好自知量力的把这梦想冷臧起来。把这梦寄望到下一世。
条件放得不高只要那人对我好, 重视我那就足够了。
总是在失去才懂得拥有的珍贵, 但破了的镜子又怎样能复原呢???
若是每人都明白其中的道理,放下执著, 让心中更富有。
目票是一盏灯, 照亮前方的路。
一起分享快乐, 悲伤
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
A letter from ah beng to ah hua
最近Ah Hua觉得我不够爱你,其实我觉得Ah Hua是因为距离的关系,觉得我们的关系疏远了。只要我在你的身边,我想Ah hua就不会这样寂寞了。你最近常说我们之间没有心灵相通,可是世界上真的有心灵相通吗?我觉得你所谓的心灵相通只不过是因为两个人的生活经验有某些共同的地方,以至于他们在收到一些外界的刺激(讯息)时,头脑里的经验促使他们作出类似或相同的反应。心灵感应则是一种精神上的异能,一个人能够感应到另一个人的情绪与想法。我想Ah Hua说的心灵相通应该是心灵感应才对,这种能力是可遇不可求的。其实如果你知道并相信另一个人是真心的爱着你的话,又何必去在乎有没有心灵感应?因为无论那个人作的是什么,你都知道他是因为爱你而如此,这不就足够了吗?
每个人付出爱的方法都不一样。我选择的方法是默默的付出,不论Ah Hua 将来会如何的对待我。为了我们光明的未来,我现在必须作的是努力冲刺,尽量充实我自己,以便能够为未来作好准备。我也在寻找投资的途径,为以后孩子的教育费筹备。为了我们的未来,要作的实在是太多了,只是我没有向Ah Hua提起。我对Ah Hua的爱是肯定的,我的爱是小而稳定的火苗,虽然不热烈但却足够燃烧一辈子···
我不擅长模仿电视上的浪漫情景,也没有一幅看起来很俊俏的脸孔。我不会讨人喜欢的谈话技巧,更说不上精明伶俐。可是我相信爱是超越这一切之上的,爱不是甜言蜜语,不是讨人欢心的对待。爱是一种承诺,一个责任,一条必须两个人互相扶持,互相鼓励,互相谅解的道路。我相信我因为有了Ah Hua而变得完整,Ah Hua的活泼,可爱,任性与天真都是我所缺少的。我相信两个人在一起是互补的,那么两个人在一起才能变得完整无缺。
深爱你的Ah Beng 上
11月26日 晚上10时36分
Blowfish happen to read this letter. Although just a simple letter but the content very touching. Love is not about spike but about maintaining this relationship, feeling across time.
Miss tour guide mention this to blowfish before......
Miss tour guide:" u should find a guy who willing to sacrify for u under all condition"
Blowfish think in this reality world, ppl EQ is getting lower and lower most of time ppl will take care of ownself before think of others thus find a person who will sacrify for u is hard. That why blowfish think only parent will do this for us :D
Hope ah beng and ah hua life happily ever after :D
Monday, June 22, 2009
Ultimate goal -> 21KM
U know why???
Blowfish weekdays full with activities
5-6PM - Gym (fuyoo, monday gym always full with people but all uncle hai nothing to see inside so just concentrate running la :-p)
6-7.30PM - Yoga(Very enjoying this activities feel very relaxing but too bad learn at older age end up cannot bend :-p luckily nobody laugh at blowfish)
7.30-8sth - Badminton(play with colleagues, blowfish favourite activities
Quite free this day as blowfish just go gym in the morning no activities after work. Due to blowfish only have one day free in weekday thus normally blowfish will go out eat dinner with friends. Due to only one day in a week blowfish is free but friend is >1 thus need to advance booking. Most of blowfish friend want to faint when heard this :-p
SORRY, Blowfish really hope can dinner with u all but too bad Blowfish have a tied schedule everyday.
Morning - gym
Blowfish found that exercise in the morning is really good, helping keep our minds fresh :D
Evening - Badminton
Really like this badminton session where u can play your favourite sport meanwhile gather together with friends talking nonsense. Really enjoyable :D
Morning - gym
Evening - Sometime go pasar malam
Blowfish really like go walk around with miss tour guide. Although go pasar malam only but blowfish easily spend >RM50 hai really can become queen of shopping d :-p
Friday = TGIF
Since is TGIF sure need to rest la, like newspaper say in one week we just need to exercise 3times more then enuf d :D
Saturday = Movie day
Blowfish really enjoy the sweet time put whole attention to the series movie :D number one favourite :-p
Once upon time blowfish dream is married a rich guy and watch movie everyday at home :-p but now guess this dream cant realize la. Nowdays all ppl need to work hai...... dream is still dream
Sunday = hectic day
Morning - Movie time, karaoke time :-p
Afternoon - Hiking at maxwell hill, blowfish sometime feel hate + like this hill. Hate is becox hiking really tiring especially at beginning part when you start sweating. Like is becox this hill
somehow able to make blowfish mind clear. Everytime blowfish feel down, after hiking all the motivation will back with blowfish :D
Still have some activities which still in waiting lists to fit into the weekday activities list such as swimming, taichi, squash.....
Still remember one word from friend that can describe blowfish current life "live life to fullest"
Hey, blowfish u talk so long what the relation of your daily activity with the ultimate goal ->21KM?
Actually blowfish just register for Penang bridge marathon thus plan to start train up blowfish stamina to meet this ultimate goal :D
Like our country slogan "Malaysia Boleh" change to "Blowfish Boleh"
Friday, June 12, 2009
Colorful life
Blowfish can swim back to taiping sea and become > pig(sleep, eat) + watching movie.
Everything about work can throw behind think about it again on monday :-p (this the way to maintain stress free ma :-p)
Normally what blowfish do during weekend??? really only eat, sleep (....later body become like pig wo blowfish)
Blowfish sure la wont just eat + sleep somor sleep is not blowfish favourite, blowfish just like swim.
Why blowfish hobby not Zzzzz??? abnormal le most ppl hobby is zzzz :-p
This is due to during kids time blowfish always wake up on time by 7AM no matter school day or holiday. Blowfish doesnt like to take nap, u know la afternoon so hot if really sleep also always got bad dream thus blowfish eliminate it from blowfish activity list since primary school :-p prefer spend time watch movie then zzzz.
During kids time until 23years old blowfish always sleep <11AM. Kids time is due to blowfish stay at kampung thus normally all ppl sleep very early one so bo pian la if never sleep like very weird, heard all the insect sound(blowfish scare of G****T :-p).
Slowly this become a habit for blowfish. Uni time blowfish still maintain this but after work blowfish sleep time getting late and late : ( once online will stick in front of laptop until eye cant open only go to sleep. Aiks not healthy la.
Thus blowfish set a goal for herself to sleep <11PM everyday :D hope blowfish determination is good enuf la. For blowfish friend, please do not talk to blowfish after 11PM. U know la blowfish very talkative one, once talking wont stop one :-p
During weekend blowfish mom wont cook as this is the holiday for her(too bad blowfish not really have chance to eat home style food :'( but in order to let mom have more rest blowfish din make any complain just fetch them go eat outside :D (consider good daughter ho :-p)
Every saturday, blowfish will have breakfast with all aunty(relative) in shop. From there they will chat for hours. That why blowfish think her communication skills with all aunty+ uncle is very good. Blowfish practice this everyweek le. Hopefully this skills will help blowfish in future(communication with in law :-p this wat we call investment for future :-p)
Beside sleep + eat + watch movie, blowfish go to hiking on sunday around 1PM, hai blowfish getting darker d :'(
Blowfish go hiking with 3ku+wife+cousin. We got form a team one call "WATERMELON TEAM"
why call watermelon??? blowfish guess is because we always have watermelon for team to eat when u reach the top :) this is our motivation when climbing up the hill (Watermelon yum! yum!)
By saturday we all will feel scare of hiking, thinking of the distance can make your determination gone.
But on sunday no matter how still go la. Once reach there no choice will still climb to the destination : )
When reach the destination, there is a lot food waiting us :D
Beside watermelon, we have cake, junk food, tea, kekwa, kopi O. All the aunty very good in cooking le. They just give blowfish recipe how to cook karipup, kaya kuih, kaya but too bad blowfish mom don let blowfish near the kitchen no chance to really go try this out(actually lazy la :-p)
As conclusion, blowfish really like weekend. During weekend u can do watever u like but too bad weekend is too short. When think about need to work on monday, sunday blowfish will insomia :-p end up monday will look like panda :-p
Enjoy weekend all :D
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
What makes a gal attractive
Unagi: "eh.... write some other stuff lar, all article like same type of tone one. few time aso write about happiness, moving on, past bf"
Blowfish:"then wat blowfish should write??? eg??"
Unagi:"write la your exercise ke, buying swimming suit ke, ur boss, weird ppl around company, food in cafe, any pretty gal u see in office, global warming(blowfish: why global warming also come into pic :-p), new housemate"
Blowfish:"so hard one"
unagi:"then u write what makes a gal attractive la"
Blowfish:"But blowfish not yet qualify as a attractive fish wo :-p"
Guess unagi can faint talking with blowfish :-p
hmm let blowfish think wat make a gal attractive ..................
1. Self Confident
Blowfish guess this is the most important criteria for every gal. If a gal always think herself not good how she gonna look attractive??? We must appreciate what we have and feel good about it. Gals who have self confident always have a charming smile :D this conclusion blowfish get when blowfish look at her cousin. Her smile full with confident like everything in the world cant beat her down.
2. Behavior
Do u agree that if a gal have a good behaviour such as humour, caring, friendly, mature.........
Is a attractive gal???
Blowfish think behaviour is 2nd factor for a gal look attractive. Sure everyone like those gal who always think for other. Blowfish saw a lot gal look attractive not only cause she look pretty but also she have a quality in term of behavior :D
3. Appearance
Although most of ppl say appearance not important, the most important is the gal heart but somehow appearance play important role when u first meet a person. First time meet the person u don know how their behaviour sure u will only look at their appearance. Although not only pretty gal or cute gal can look attractive but normally pretty or cute gal will group under attractive category :-p
3. Dress Up
Like ppl say, god depend on the statue human depend on cloth. Guess get a cloth that suitable for your image is very important :D. Frequently u will found that last time your gal coursemate who look like so so but after she dress up u get impressed. U have this experience??? :-p
No wonder blowfish favourite is shopping :-p cox this is important element to make blowfish look attractive ma :-p luckily blowfish have miss tour guide who can accompany her go shopping. Sometimes we have same taste end up buy same cloth :-p
4. Make up
Emm blowfish know make up can make a gal look more perfect(make your small eye become big, make your face look like apple, make your lips look like a fruits :-p) but too bad blowfish doesnt have talent at this area :-p everytime make up will end up look like shit :-p thus blowfish believe natural look is the best :-p
Blowfish just buy a make up set from US hope blowfish make up skills can firm up her make up skills. Let wait and see when blowfish can turn become phoenix :-p(start dreaming)
5. soft+smooth+fair skin completion
Heard that guy like to look at gal certain part such as leg, face, Bxxxx :-p
Thus if u have a good skin completion as state above then congrat.
Although this is not a must criteria for attractive must blowfish guess if u ask any guy they will say this criteria is good to have hik2.
Alamak once again blowfish fail at this criteria :'(
Addtional info
6. funny + independent
This one is special request from unagi to add in :-p
unagi think that gal must have certain level of independent if too dependent to the guy will make the guy lemas :-p
But blowfish think as a gal, we must know how to take care ourself not depend on guy but if there is a person there for u to depend on will be great :D
Thus case by case scenario la think guy doesnt like too independent and too dependent gal.
Gals please pandai2 abit when to be independent and when to act dependent :-p
hmmm Think blowfish not really good in elaborates what make gal attractive la. Probably u can provide blowfish more comment so that blowfish can slowly move to this category :D
Thanks in advance :-p
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Happiness is a choice
Once start reading it cant stop, the article is about happiness. It list out all kind of happiness that we experience in our life.
Blowfish still not yet find below happiness, trying to gather all this kind happiness :D
Happiness is having a shoulder to cry on.
Blowfish really hope to find a shoulder to cry on but now blowfish only have her cutie doggy with her plus winnie the pooh handchief :D good enuf to comfort blowfish until blowfish find suitable shoulder to cry on :D
Happiness is having someone to love and being loved
Blowfish love someone??? answer is .......... YES la
Blowfish love her parent :D although sometime argue cox different point of view but in bottom heart blowfish really love them.
Sorry mom if sometime blowfish rude, blowfish will try control own temper :D and Thanks for so understanding.
Happiness is making peace with past events
Blowfish really think that past is just a memory. Always refresh it wont cause any harm. But blowfish forget that this will hold blowfish from swim further down to the future and this might also gating factor for blowfish to live life to fullest. Probably blowfish dont think about forget about the past just accept the truth and move on. Fall down just something to make us aware about the mistake. Important is how we gonna stand up from the falling point :D
Blowfish sure can make peace with the past events :D never give up until life end :D
Happiness is forgive and forget
Blowfish know how to give forgiveness for those ppl that make blowfish sad. Blowfish just need sometime think from their side why they do this. After forgive, forget is for sure ;)
Important key point is when u get angry must walk away make your heart calm down dont let the anger control u. Until u sure your heart is calm, start think as 3rd party to access the whole scenario :D
Forgive ppl = let your ownself move to happiness :D
Happiness is letting go of the past and moving on.
Working on this :D
Do u all aware that actually happiness can be very simple, maybe u just see something u like then u will feel happy for it whole day. Guess most of the time we are the one who make happiness run away :-p
Like what CK say Happiness is a choice
Hope everybody can find their own happiness. Cheer!!!
Thanks CK for this meaningful sharing with blowfish ;)
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Tear in the deep sea
But soon the happy feeling overtake by sad......
Once again blowfish experience the heart break feeling. One thing good swimming in the sea is when u cry all the tear will merge with the sea water and nobody will aware of that.
why blowfish sad??? suppose blowfish have no feeling for this stupid fish who swim away long2 ago.
Blowfish ex bf already get married. His wife is china gal. Why is china gal???
Blowfish still remember he start to act cool to blowfish after he back from china. Why tat time he don want to admit that he already have other gal in his heart but just blame blowfish for this unsuccessful relationship??? Blowfish really blaming ownself for >one year and even make a silly decision to punish ownself for those reason he gave. Everyday feel regret cox unable save this relationship on time never know that this relationship on risk. Still hoping he will swim back one day. Although all friend tell blowfish he wont back but blowfish still sturborn and keep on waiting.
What blowfish can say to him?? blowfish must act wise just say 祝福你.
He reply that 祝愿每天开开心心 but do he aware he already take away blowfish happiness???
Why when blowfish very motivated time he must come in and stab blowfish once again???
Blowfish really tot blowfish unable shed any tear but blowfish wrong......
his wife somemore come add blowfish. What she plan to do??? see how blowfish suffer?? or want to show blowfish that blowfish is the looser??
Feeling being betray everytime blowfish look at their pic+comment it like a knife stab on my heart.
Blowfish really feel thankful to the god to let blowfish know the truth and not continue left in regret. Although reality is always cruel but it better then let u stay in a dream. Dream that u create to protect yourself.
Now review back really not understand why blowfish always think ex is perfect. If view as 3rd party this guy is not handsome at all. guess blowfish really just look at passion but he really have passion??? blowfish don know guess in this round gamble blowfish really lost a lot but in return blowfish gain a valuable class. Still remember prior break he sms blowfish ask can we break for a while, can blowfish accept him back in future. Aiks think back this guy really selfish probably he in dilema don know his relationship with the china gal can work or not just want put blowfish as backup. Why blowfish still let ownself stay in suffer for one year???
Blowfish will protect ownself start now onwards wont let other hurt me anymore.
Dream damage, it time to wake up and move on. Like wat the song blowfish always listen it say that
Love is not everything for life
Blowfish will make sure blowfish is strong enuf after wake up tomorrow.
Blowfish, i will allow u to sad for only one day and expired by today 12AM.
Gambatte blowfish!!!
Should blowfish hate the china gal or the ex??? probably the answer is no, forgive ppl is the best way to make your life better :)
Look at the picture he really look xing fu in love with the china gal. What else blowfish can say.....
祝福你 this time blowfish spell this out from bottom heart
Blowfish know wat to do....
Just let it go
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Motivation :D
hmmm... cannot continue like this else blowfish will start swim back to the past :-p
While driving to work, Blowfish will open one chinese song(please don ask blowfish wat the song title :-p Blowfish don know :-p)
The song will help to motivate blowfish......
Opening this song now(la!la!la!)
Some of the meaningful lyric (after translation)
When fail in something, it ok to feel sad but never give up. Dont waste time stay in regret of past. Dont always look at the past, limit yourself......
Must be someone who never mengaku kalah
Yea! this is the spirit Blowfish must have :D
When decide do something must accomplish it. If today cant achieve that we still have tomorrow. Never say Give UP
Really like this phrase. Whenever blowfish feel frustrated will start open this song, tell myself tat never give up = determination. Blowfish find tat most of time human feel hard to accomplish their own mission is due to self limitation. They will always think the finish point really far2 away from them but in actual if we set little milestone, each time reach milestone we will surround by happiness and this encourage us to continue the effort.
blowfish apply this when go hiking.
The final destination is quite far normally blowfish will feel want to give up when blowfish swim to the first pondok :-p (really no stamina la). Blowfish start put milestone divide the whole journey to 4pondok. when reach 1st pondok, blowfish will feel happy and start move to second pondok until blowfish reach the destination :D
Although hiking just a small example but blowfish believe if we able apply this to daily work. Success in the hand for sure :D
Blowfish just took a test in facebook about what is criteria for bf....
The result really match what blowfish think. Want to know what the result hik2.....
Let blowfish translate it and share it here.
What blowfish really care is not about now but in future. Thus blowfish set criteria for bf only have passion. Blowfish really think passion is a key point for one to success in life. probably now the person not yet success in life but if blowfish can see the person with passion blowfish still willing to work together with him swim to the target. Guess this wat we call investment.........
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
fish philosophy
Blowfish and unagi always swim alone in the deep sea....
They hope one day they will meet their dream idea partner and continue swim together happily ever after.
BF/GF criteria for blowfish and unagi
Blowfish always dream to find another blowfish which have passion + caring + ngam feel one. Thus she start finding blowfish mission.... if u ever find blowfish which meet this criteria please notify blowfish. Thanks in advance :-p
In the other hand, blowfish best friend unagi wish to find unagi which fulfil below criteria (cute + pretty + smart + independent) do u think this standard too high??
Where got such fish in this world thus the kind blowfish help unagi to simplify the companion criteria.....
Blowfish:"unagi, normally cute gal not independent one wo so u want cute or independent??"
Unagi:"emm like tat one meh?? ok la i choose independent"
Blowfish:"unagi, if the gal is pretty but not really smart will u accept her?? if the gal too smart later hard for u to control her end up u will be control by her wo :-p"
Unagi:"correct also"
Blowfish:"ok drop smart"
Unagi:"eh u help me drop all left wat???"
Blowfish:"still got independent and pretty ma, but ha unagi if the gal is >average but independent can u accept or u just want pretty??"
Unagi:"hmm, i think i still can accept la"
Blowfish:"ok set now your gf criteria is only independent"
Guys if u all ever find any fish(gal) which meet this criteria please tell unagi :-p
Unagi hurry say thanks to blowfish help u promote here :-p
In the sea, blowfish and unagi is not swim alone.
For unagi there is always starfish who always like to date him just unagi feel starfish is not suitable for him :-p probably cox starfish doesnt meet the only criteria unagi have independent :-p
Unagi like blowfish tell u independent can train up. why don just give it a try??
else u can send starfish to blowfish, blowfish help u train her up ;)
Sure all wondering what is happening here :-p
Past one week PS and PS best friend start to assign fish name for each other. Want to know what kind fish PS is???
See below picture, do u think match :-p
Bingo PS -> Blowfish
Due to unagi doesnt give PS permission to show his picture so..... :-p
If u ever see passion blowfish remember tell PS ya :) else PS will swim alone forever d :-p
Thanks in advance
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
@#$%^!! MR lee
PS never check the amount as the center promise to give PS 60% of the total tuition fees and center will get 40%.
Continue with teaching.......
All the student still very naughty never listen to PS. hai.........
Somor comment that they more like the replacement teacher really make PS no more confident to continue teaching : (
PS using questioning and answering method to teach the key point. Probably this not the right method to teach student. U all have any more good suggestion???
PS still motivate myself to continue.......
Asking the student what improvement they want.....
u know wat they say????
They ask PS to give them more freedom, now PS never give freedom they already never pay attention if PS give them more freedom means ....... all will be like monkey run around la :-p
Maybe PS really not good in teaching. :(
After back to home PS open up the envelope for tuition fees and find out that they just pay PS 60 for one month.
What the @#$%^!!!
PS have teach 11 student if divide 60/11, PS not even get RM6 per student and each time PS teach only get less than rm2. The worse thing is the tuition center organizer somemore is inteller how can he so sucking blood one. Aiks really feel being tipu by him grrr......
After tell PS parent all ask me to quit as PS not doing a good deal. PS believe after deduct the petrol and the present PS buy for the student PS is paying them more then wat PS receive.
If this the case better PS spend time for own activity like go for badminton or gym.
Aiks must talk to the stupid person MR lee....
Waiting for him whole morning at last see him online. PS quickly IM him :-p
Tell him that PS want to quit for own activity. This stupid guy try to ask me continue teaching isss......
PS told him my concern on the tuition fees part, u know wat his answer???
MR Lee: "is like tat at beginning wont make much money once the student get good result then there will be more and more student want to come under you that time u will earn more money"
PS guess tat time not PS earn more money, MR lee is the one who get all the money and as usual we like a cheap labour.
Talk to him for quite long at last he agree to let PS quit but want PS to continue help him teach till end of this month. Hai PS too soft heart, agree to help him now super duper regret la. Feel sad need to face all the student and MR lee for 3more weeks.
What PS should do???
Really feel being bully la.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Mother's Day
How u all celebrating mother's day??? bring lovely mom for a good meal?? buy her present??
PS fall sick last friday doesnt really have time to prepare anything for my lovely mom :-p (*shy*shy)
PS having running nose thus very tired to do anything just lying on sofa like a prawn. Suddenly one warm hand touching PS forehead checking PS body temperature suddenly PS heart feel very warm feel like PS is small doll being hold with care in mom dukungan :D
For so long, PS feel like grow up d but that day PS realize that PS just a small kid in mom eye :D
Still remember during child time, mom always take care me with care. Help me put toothpaste on tooth brush, help me wash hair, tie hair till age of 12 :-p
When grow up, away from parent study at Johor but still make them worry. Cry everyday since PS reach Johor and make them worry :-p now think back really feel guilty :-p
Although some time my mom will abit nagging make me crazy :-p now i telling myself to think about the reason behind why mom is nagging. All this just because they really care for us :D Sorry mom now onward PS will pay attention to what u say :D. PROMISE!!!
Talk to PS friend which pregnant recently, now only PS know mother really sacrify a lot in order to bring up a child. Start pregnant time she need to withstand all kind of sickness(back pain, insomia, vomit, morning sickness......). When deliver time she need to withstand the most pain in the world. But what she get in return just cry from BB :-p but no doubt the moment u see the little one all the joy will overtake the pain :D
After give birth of child, they take care the child with care and give them all the best they have.
Thanks Mom for the love that u gave to me without u, I will not go anywhere. I love u (too bad my mom cant read english)
PS not dare to tell mom this cause feel very shy, think this is problem for some ppl where they din dare to convey their feeling to their love one. Although PS think we should tell our loves one how we care about them but PS have no courage to do so :-p
In order to make Mom feel happy, PS go get pant for her during hiking. She saw this pant previously but she say too expensive and dont want to buy it thus PS get this pant to her :D
When PS back to home, PS hand over the present to her and wish her "happy mother day" can see the happiness on her face when she saw her favourite pants. PS feel happy she like the present :D
Heard PS aunty say she feel touch when she receive a simple message from her children wishing her "happy mother day". Guess all mom in the world just hope their children live happily that is the best present in the world :D thus as ppl child we must take a good care of ownself don make them worry that is the best ever present int he world.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
WW18 update
PS manage to maintain happy level at >70% :D
Now only PS know having some ultimate goal in life will make our life more colourful at least we can have focus what need to be done.
Many time PS feel want to give up :-p but still manage to continue on by using self motivation :D
Find out that in order to reach the desired setpoint we should set some small milestone for it. Everytime PS achieve the small milestone PS feel motivated and looking forward for next milestone until PS reach the big2 milestone :D
PS applying this method for weekly hiking, PS will feel give up at beginning cox hiking is very tiring but after reach each pondok PS will feel happy and want to continue till the top :D
Trying to apply this method into daily life :D
This week is not a good week for PS. First day working, receive mail from IT to rebuild laptop due to malware infection :( luckily all data still there just need to reinstall all the software. Aiks don know why PS feel worry like something bad will happen : ( hmm hope this six sense not true else......
Gambate PS!!!