很久很久以前在一个小村庄里住着一位小女孩, 从小女孩就被人捧在手心里疼。 慢慢的养成女孩傲慢的性格, 女孩有一点点的任性,一点点的固执与一点点小姐脾气。女孩就这样在父母的呵护中无忧无虑的成长。
女孩长大后结识了一位她认为可以付托终生的伴侣,对方也有如女孩的父母疼爱这女孩。女孩感到好幸福好感谢上天对她的厚爱。好像每段感情一样小两口还是禁不起时间的考验,原因无它,当初的感觉不在了, 在的只有对这段感情负责任。 虽说女孩感到他并不是她的理想伴侣但她还是觉得没有人可以像他那么好了就这样的爱情的火花升华成为感情。女孩以为他俩可以相守到永远就如童话故事里的王子与公主奈何他遇上了另一个让他动心的女孩,童话梦灭, 女孩跌得好痛好痛。 虽说女孩明白他俩并不适合在一起但分手的刹那,女孩的心开始冷却不再憧憬未来只是努力活在当下。
不知不觉一年又一年的过去了,女孩依然孤单一个人等待, 等待些什么她不知道。身旁有好多对女孩好的男孩但无论他们再好女孩还是觉得无法投入一段新的感情。其中一位令女孩好感动,感动的当儿还有更多的亏欠感因为女孩好怕别人对她好而她最终还是要伤男孩的心。女孩好怕面对男孩,他越是对她好,她越是逃避。女孩尝试考虑他们之间发展的可能但内心除了怕还是怕,女孩觉得男孩是一位好好先生将来还会是个好丈夫但女孩总觉得如此好的男孩应该找一个体贴的女孩而不是看上一个任性的女孩,女孩好希望男孩会遇上一个比她好一万倍的女孩共度一生别再花时间在女孩的身上。女孩心中默默的祝福男孩, 希望他幸福。
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
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Don't wait la.....
haha u also don wait la, cepat2 PRQ
don't deny a chance because of last failure ~ jia you!
Sometimes we forget that when we are judging/comparing/evaluating other people, they are also doing the same to us.
And since we all have our own standards, perhaps we should just let the others decide whether or not we are good enough for them.
As long as we are true to ourselves, and that the others find us to their liking, then we click.
Remember that the others must have seen something in us that attracts them in the first place for a relationship to begin. And if the others are willing to develop the relationship further, that probably means they really like what they see in us.
No need to complicate things, just go with the flow. Don't miss the opportunity to develop a relationship because of self-doubt.
:-p Thanks all for the advise i will tell the gal about this but i guess the gal just want to be alone for time being. Wrong timing = no click
dont take thing granted. If you think you will feel guilty of his goodness, then treat him even better. no pain no gain - somemore gain is guaranteed, pain may not coming - what a 0 risk chance, why scare of happiness while hugging your sad memories?
i think i really take thing for granted, will change on this.
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