Why? what happen blowfish?
Blowfish participate on KID(kulim innovation day) event today present on her project. Feel nervous from morning 8.30AM till 3PM as she the last presenter for the innovation event. Looking at all other presenter, their thing look so superb. Deep in blowfish heart, she know she wont win this year (sign of no self confident). Luckily blowfish friend + best friend keep on motivate blowfish tell blowfish that "U CAN".
After listen to 7presenter idea, blowfish know that blowfish have very little chance to win thus blowfish just want go up and just present for her project without put any hope :-p with this mindset blowfish heartbeat back to normal. Calmly go up the stair and present her project.
When finish presenting, judges start to ask blowfish question. First question blowfish already cant answer =.= blowfish really no idea what the judges trying to ask blowfish :-p luckily the judges very good, he say if i din go to so depth is ok :D
After judges question, it time for audience to raise question for blowfish. Suddenly all the audience very active post >2 question for blowfish luckily blowfish able handle it.
When go to time for announcing the result, blowfish pray that she can get second prize although blowfish know she not qualify :-p $$$ le everybody also want right :-p
First running up prize not fall to blowfish :S aiks abit sad ......
Come to first prize winner blowfish already tot want to leave the hall but based on emcee description seem like the winner is.........
Yes blowfish win the unexpected prize :D feel really happy. When boss congrate blowfish time, he suddenly tell blowfish that blowfish need to continue this trend next year as blowfish already be the winner for 2years must at least win 3times =.= hope he just joking else die la blowfish need to scratch head and think of new project.
Wah sai, you veli the geng!
p/s: the word verification needed to post this comment is "gillie", quite appropriate really, you so geng, damn gili! =P
haha, TQ
Blowfish really think blowfish have luck that day that why win.
So happy with this :D
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