Travelling from Km->PG->taiping->PG->KM wow if count the mileage the figure sure amazing.
After go thru this few day, my colleagues ask me:"why u look so chan(old)"
Aiks lady that >26 really start aging la, never have enough rest for few days already start to feel no energy whole day + sleepy + @_@(panda eye) better blowfish go sleep after write this blog.
Jenny wedding dinner:
Meet with ex WPOC program team member for 2006 annual dinner. So happy get to sit with them chit chat. One of the team member agnes just get pregnant, she is one of the hang fook lady. Being take care by her caring husband, even accompany her go toilet :-p. Another hang fook gal is marilyn able to find her right guy living happily ever after with him :D. Really Happy for them.
Hang fook little gal is one of blowfish dream previously but blowfish think that she is too independent now till she don feel that she want to be protected as she good enough to take care herself even her family (hmm....... mindset problem :-p)
When chatting with anges, CF and HB, all asking blowfish about her status. They keep on thinking there sure a lot fish swim around blowfish. When blowfish tell them no fish around blowfish nobody want to believe blowfish =.+ Blowfish really wondering why everybody think there sure a lot fish swim around blowfish??? Guess that the problem everybody think blowfish sure got other half or at least got lotsa fish swim around her that why till now she still...... aha ROOT Cause found :-p. Now blowfish refuse to answer all this kind question as nobody will believe her answer :-p
Saturday outing with spike&SK + attending YP(taiping) wedding
After finish dinner on friday night, blowfish drive all the way back taiping after she reach home already 11++ after remove make up + bath by the time she sleep is >12.30AM v_v super tired + sleepy tot the next day she will sleep soundly till the sun ray hit blowfish butt only blowfish will wake up. But too bad wat blowfish plan always not working as it should be :-p(think next time better don plan :-p).
Around 8AM, blowfish boss calling blowfish feel so stress tot got work for blowfish =.+ after answer the call only know he actually asking me out to accompany spike go around taiping since we are taiping rang sure need to become tour guide la. First place we visit is max well hill, we take the truck go up the hills. Due to lack of thing to snap picture, spike request blowfish become the model to snap picture still waiting the picture once he send out blowfish will share it out here :D. After spend 2hours at natural place(quite boring la cox nothing we can do there :-p) we finally go down and get blowfish first meal at 12PM. Blowfish so so so hungry la nearly faint think blowfish cant skip breakfast else will feel super hungry and eat2 double the normal portion :-p
At the afternoon time, we go to portweld to snap cacoal factory picture but too bad it is raining day thus not much picture we can snap :S (if blowfish know blowfish will rather stay at her bed). Since cant take picture anymore we just go for the famous kari mee there and start eat2. Seem to blowfish this is eating more than travel :-p
Night time dress up and attending YP wedding, lotsa ppl there. When first go in really che kong cox don know give the ang pau to who as no counter there. After asking one aunty only know is the bridgegroom mother successfully pass the ang pau to the right person :-p. Food of the night is nice, some of the "good" singer go up the stage show off their "skill"(blowfish so bad comment on ppl talent :-p)
Sunday become ppl ji mui (sister) in PG
After tiring saturday, blowfish need to wake up early morning dress up in white dress + make up and then rush to PG to become jenny ji mui so so so sleepy la. Can see blowfish face turn to become muka sekupang. After lotsa phone call to ask for direction at last blowfish manage to reach bride house(blowfish really salute herself in good direction sence (start to syok sendiri:-p)). All the jimui is the bride secondary schoolmate, hmm all is leng lui sure la including blowfish :-p. All the game prepare by them is really.......... U all read thru and comment la :-p
1. create shit(combination of peanut butter, banana +milo powder) put on the pampers and ask the brother(hengdai) to eat, yuck think of it blowfish also want to vomit :-p
2. 2 person in one group play human hulahu, where by one need to become hulahu hanging the other one body and swing (they purposely match the fat +slim one pity the slim fellow :-p)
3. Eating special char kuey teow where by got wasabi inside then use wasabi to wash the teeth :-p
4. bridgroom to run and shout"jenny2 i love u, PG come to bring u"
All the games really funny la luckily all the hengdai quite sporting so worry they will angry :-p since blowfish don know most of the ji mui feel abit boring there thus just stand there help to block out the heng dai :-p
Thinking of writing more feeling here but too sleepy stil not yet recover from the tiring process that blowfish go thru last weekend. Blowfish must start back exercise plan as she already skip that for 2 weeks feel so stress without exercise. Hmm all this need to blame the stupid gym access that only open after 7AM how blowfish able to make it if they open so late they expect employee all come work late??? aiks so ineffective.
Hmm better stop writing here share more tomorrow on blowfish feeling :D. GOOD NIGHT ALL.