What PS trying to share today?
Do u ever wondering why 2person will shout at each other when they get angry???
u know why???
1. Lost our "cool" and turn to "hot"
2. trying to convince ppl that we are right?
3. trying to express our feeling of not happy about other/something?
4. feel angry cox of the statement is correct but our heart dont want to admit the truth?
5. maybe cox of hormon fluctuation for a gals?
6. many more unknown reason.....
happen to read one article about this.....
Why we need to shout to each other eventhough the person is just next to us?
This is because when we are angry, our hearts drift apart. To mask the distance we felt, we instinctively shout instead of speak.
That why when both party is angry better just close the topic and discuss it later when our heart is close once again by that time all the person can easily get what the other half trying to tell.
Distance between heart is not measureable, but the sad thing is when the person sit beside u but yet both heart is apart.
How to eliminate distance??
PS think the only way is understanding, communication......
Both heart get apart when they have different perpective about something communication and calibration very important.
For sure u don want to talk to somebody who not understand u right?
But sometime arguement is good at least after argue both person can know each other better.
Recently PS and her best friend also always argue. Feel like PS best friend no more understand PS but yet he still think he understand PS well. PS try very hard to tell him this not what PS think but too bad now still at communication state.
Do u ever wondering why 2person will shout at each other when they get angry???
u know why???
1. Lost our "cool" and turn to "hot"
2. trying to convince ppl that we are right?
3. trying to express our feeling of not happy about other/something?
4. feel angry cox of the statement is correct but our heart dont want to admit the truth?
5. maybe cox of hormon fluctuation for a gals?
6. many more unknown reason.....
happen to read one article about this.....
Why we need to shout to each other eventhough the person is just next to us?
This is because when we are angry, our hearts drift apart. To mask the distance we felt, we instinctively shout instead of speak.
That why when both party is angry better just close the topic and discuss it later when our heart is close once again by that time all the person can easily get what the other half trying to tell.
Distance between heart is not measureable, but the sad thing is when the person sit beside u but yet both heart is apart.
How to eliminate distance??
PS think the only way is understanding, communication......
Both heart get apart when they have different perpective about something communication and calibration very important.
For sure u don want to talk to somebody who not understand u right?
But sometime arguement is good at least after argue both person can know each other better.
Recently PS and her best friend also always argue. Feel like PS best friend no more understand PS but yet he still think he understand PS well. PS try very hard to tell him this not what PS think but too bad now still at communication state.