A lot ppl asking blowfish how the annual function???
Zero cost solution still working :D (YEAH!!! mission accomplish)
Blowfish manage to make up and hairdo by herself.
Start preparing since 2.30PM, take bath, dress up.....
Start make up while chatting with friend complain on blowfish lousy skills :-p
Due to lack of experience blowfish really sweating while make up :S really feel regret blowfish should just go to shop let ppl setup everything rather than do all by herself aiks.
No choice still need to continue make up with shaking hand :-p
After get advice from expert, blowfish start her make up by put powder, eye shadow(peach color), brushes and lastly lipstick. Look in front mirror still can recognize ownself means SuCCESSFul :D
Next step - start hairdo.
Previously try tie look nice but on tat day blowfish try tie many time cant get the effect that blowfish want :S, put a lot gel to curl the hair but the hair look very messy due to time constraint just cant do anything to help it :-p
HAI once again blowfish really think next round should not go for ZERO cost solution :-p
If ask blowfish rate herself on that night, blowfish will fail herself :-p
Totally out of the theme :-p not 70/80's appearance from head to toe :-p
Start to feel nervous+ feel out :-p.
Once step to hardrock hotel, start photo taking. Blowfish doesnt bring camera cox blowfish doesnt know where her camera go :-p (biasa la cannot expect too much from big prawn head). Get some ppl to take some picture for blowfish, blowfish doesnt take much photo that night will post more photo once get update from friend :D.
Overall food on that night is ~~so so expect for the first dishes. Other than that either tasteless or too salty :-p end up our stomach is still empty when the last dishes is serve :-p. Although the food is lousy but overall performance for that night is not bad cox they invite a MC that is good joking. Few times blowfish cant help herself laugh till stomachache, face also pain :-p
Forget to mention that blowfish win "miss gorgeous" during that night :-p really a big surprise for blowfish when she saw her picture on the screen. When they announce the winner is MISS YONG, blowfish stunt there :-p
Walk to stage gently (blowfish try to walk slowly but unagi still comment that blowfish walk more fast then the hunk :-p), shake hand with the manager get the voucher next step sure la run away from stage :-p
Cameraman :" hey!hey! not yet snap picture la"
Blowfish too gelabah tat time doesnt aware that blowfish need to pose in front the camera :-p guess blowfish just a clumsy gal :-p
kesian at the camera man cox no chance to snap picture =.="
Next month is our department dinner, guess blowfish doesnt want to use ZERO COST SOLUTION anymore, just go to shop sit there let ppl help blowfish to setup and go attend the party without feel stress :D
give 70% on your make up and hairdo, a good job for first-timer, keke
wah 70% ar consider pass d :D
then should blowfish go for zero cost for department dinner ??? :-p
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