Thursday, December 18, 2008
lower end of sinusoidal
What happen???
1) meet an accident PS hit ppl car while parking at chicago fire restaurant folsom : (
That time PS very tired as everyday go for training from early morning till at >6PM thus when parking time not realize that PS so close to other car suddenly PS heard @#$%^ ops.......
First thing to do when PS realise PS hit ppl car sure run la(malaysia style :-p) but after think PS finally decide to drop a note to the owner to appologize and provide them PS car plat number and hertz contact so that they can claim the loss from hertz.
PS feel great as PS did the right thing.
If PS ran away that time sure PS will feel guilty now and will exprience nightmare.
2) Badge lost
Since WW49.5 PS lost badge till now still cant figure out where is the badge end up everyday go to work need to require for temporary badge : (
Let look at bright side at least one more ppl know PS : ) now the security can recognize PS di everytime saw PS, he will straight give temporary badge to PS :)
Still hope by DEC30 PS able to find badge else PS might need to submit form to get new badge and fine RM50 : (
3)Life mess up with new Test program implementation
Early this week PS have new Test program from folsom division, PS is very confident with the new TP end up data show that it din log some parameter correctly then only find out all the problem is caused by one stupid command in the TP grrrrr!!!! (-1)
Due to this incorrect datalog, PS need to instruct ppl stop running the lots : (
Luckily all PS counterpart is really good and understanding.
4)my expenses charge to wrong cost center
yesterday only find out that all the claim that PS done is charge to wrong cost center end up PS need to send mail notify boss as this ate up department budget : ( really feel sorry to PS boss
PS really don know that there is option to change the cost center :-p never done this before.
Luckily PS boss tell PS, he will excuse PS for this time but future PS need to be more careful about this.
There is more and more minor bad luck PS go thru :-p
Luckily all of it no big impact else....... :-p
PS really need to say Thanks to Miss tour guide when PS feel down miss tour guide always know how to comfort PS and know how to cheer PS up.
Even though Miss tour guide din do anything but PS still can feel her support : )
Thanks Miss tour guide u are PS angel. muaakkk!!!!
Beside Miss tour guide, PS think PS best friend also help PS alot give PS alot speech till we both argue and start angry each other :-p but as usual after argue friend back la POR process : )
When PS think back all the incident, is it really bad luck or it cause by human???
End up PS just can get one conclusion.......
PS is big prawn head on and off will do something that is stupid :-p but all this full up every chapter of PS life : )
Friday, December 12, 2008
Frog under well
Mr Frog start his journey, after go thru all the hard time at last Mr frog reach sea but he found that actually sea is not the place which suitable for him as the water nutrien is damaging his skin.
After long process only Mr frog realize that the most suitable habitat from him is the well thus he travel back to well and live life happily there.
When PS read this story, PS think it simple and easy but yet it very meaningful.
Why PS said that???
Previously PS act like MR frog keep on wondering how outside world is and forget to appreciate what PS had when PS get what she want and that time only PS realize PS already lost something that is really precious to PS(well). PS is not lucky like Mr frog able to go back well and life there happily what PS can do now is appreciate what PS have now : )
Life is a journey where we gain all the experience. We might fall down but as long we never give up and continue trying for sure we can find the beauty of life ; )
Across time experience will help a person to become mature and wise and memory is the one who enlight our life.
Remember to appreciate what we have now : )
Make sure no regret in future : )
If life gives you a lemon, make lemonade
For a full two years this went on daily, with the bearer delivering only one and a half pots full of water to his house.
Of course, the perfect pot was proud of its accomplishments, perfect for which it was made.
But the poor cracked pot was ashamed of its own imperfection, & miserable that it was able to accomplish only half of what it had been made to do.
After 2 years of what it perceived to be a bitter failure, it spoke to the water bearer one day by the stream. "I am ashamed of myself, and because this crack in my side causes water to leak out all the way back to your house."
The bearer said to the pot, "Did you notice that there were flowers only on your side of the path, but not on the other pot's side?
That's because I have always known about your flaw, and I planted flower seeds on your side of the path, and every day while we walk back, you've watered them.
For two years I have been able to pick these beautiful flowers to decorate the table. Without you being just the way you are, there would not be this beauty to grace the house"
Moral: Each of us has our own unique flaws. We're all cracked pots. But it's the cracks and flaws we each have that make our lives together so very interesting and rewarding. You've just got to take each person for what they are, and look for the good in them.
Monday, December 8, 2008
4th day in folsom
Today PS woke up early as yesterday PS sleep at 8PM :-p
First thing to do after wake up sure is open music (POR process :-p) then start chatting with malaysia friend.
Go gym at 6.45AM for 20min : ) sound healthy right hik hik hangat2 tahi ayam aje :-p
After that go for a breakfast and start travel to intel around 8sth as PS never go to FM5 abit afraid PS will late for meeting pattern division.
PS is punctual person always on time ; )
Reach pattern division cube by 8.45AM but he still not around think he still on his way to come office.
PS pattern division is very nice guy. He never use car just use bicycle to work and heard ppl said that he never watch tv just reading newspaper. PS really wondering how he look like :-p
At last at 9.30AM he come to meet PS and start the sharing with PS.
So happy today PS can learn a lot new stuff but in a way PS feel stress as some stuff PS still not yet familiar when think about boss expectation PS start to feel worried : (
Suppose back to hotel PS tell herself to start look at pattern and start work on it but hai once reach room she start chatting till now : ( sound so hopeless :-p aiks
Today don know why PS feel abit sad, is it becox of the weather here whole day no sunlight full with mist or her hormon level go to low side.
Guess PS really afraid being lonely as whenever she alone she will start miss somebody.....
Is somebody there living happily? Will he think of PS?
aiks cannot continue like this else PS will repeat the sad cycle again.
later if PS best friend read this sure PS will kena marah :-p
Comment from PS best friend he like to read PS share about thought than story about the sightseeing :-p but PS just a simple gal not really have a lot of thought what PS share is just what PS experience in life. Still remember Miss tour guide told PS it good for PS experience the big wave during young so that PS can learn how to stand up after fall down.
PS never worry about fall down in life as from there we can gain a lot experience and let our thinking go to next level.
Recently PS really feel worried that PS will lost what PS have today as previously whenever PS life go to upper side of sinusoidal wave PS will lost sth think PS really impacted by the weather di aiks PS need more sun to enlight PS day. PS keep telling herself that if that thing belong to u it will never leave u and if it not really belong to u then some how u will lost it. so don need bother so much else will make life harder : ) just enjoy every moment of life.
Should not mix past tense with present tense to make life happier : ) PS still learning this
Gambatte PS : )
Sunday, December 7, 2008
3rd day in folsom
Time: 10am
First time PS woke up late during weekend since she came to US, feeling so great but PS still look tired as she not get used to the new environment :(
Now PS eyes look like mice small + red + black circle down the eyes :( aiks
First thing PS do after woke up is IMing her bf(best friend) to get today intineary :-p
At first PS plan to go either Apple hill or Napa velly but bf told PS that now nothing to see there so PS change plan go to sacramento state capitol.
Without further delay PS go took breakfast.
After ate breakfast PS go took car, however when she press the remote seem like the car not auto unlock. PS try several time still didnt get any response from the car end up PS ask help from old uncle. After check only found out that PS forgot to turn off the light yesterday end up it causing the battery die......
: ( once again prove PS is ......
PS call hertz to help her jump car luckily PS car working after the guy jump the car for 10min.
PS din dare to switch off the engine so straight start journey to Sacramento
Without realize PS already spend 2hour at state capitol, time for PS to move to 2nd destination.
PS hear a loud xmas song and a lot xmas decoration there. a lot ppl skating at the open area with xmas song in a moment PS tot is xmas di :-p
All building at sutter st have it own style but most of it is old building and being decorate with xmas item
Saturday, December 6, 2008
2nd Day in Folsom
Inside restaurant PS do sth that really embrassing.......
Before go out from chinatown, pg folk bring PS to buy super delicious tart.
Friday, December 5, 2008
First day in Folsom
When PS tot she at lower side of curve, fate bring her to US.
Going to US always is a dream for PS, at last this dream come true think in a way god is still blessing PS : )
Although this US trip just 2 1/2 month but PS have the opportunity to travel to many states......
Which states PS go???
: ) Arizona(chandler), California(folsom, Los angelas) Oregon(hillsboro), Nevada(las vegas) .....
Date : 5DEC2008
Time: 5.45AM
Ping!ping!ping! Alarm again isssss
After #$%&!! PS woke up, prepare to go for shuttle.
Last minutes PS find out she miss out GPS and badge luckily Miss adeline let PS borrow her GPS but badge still not yet found : (
Luckily miss tour guide drive fast and furious help PS catch up shuttle bus else PS will end up stay in chandler this week :-p (PS know sure u all say PS big prawn head :-p)
PS travel to Folsom for face to face there can learn pattern from expert, hehe so happy : )
Thanks to my boss who fight this for me really appreciate it, hehe sound like gosak kasut aje :-p
Flight start boarding at 7sth and reach Folsom by 10AM.
PS get corolla, after use IMPALA any car seem like not powerful for PS but what to do get use to it la.
@#$%&*#$ Stupid GPS, bring PS to holland by right can reach hotel by 10.15AM end up reach hotel at 11AM.
PS stay at courtyard hotel, it beside Freeway entrance GPS nearly guide PS go into Freeway and go to holland end up PS need to go one big round only can reach hotel.
Phew luckily still can reach hotel else hai.....
After reach hotel first thing to do is to inform PS housemate she safely reach FM la else later they worried : )
Start IM bf(best friend) discussing where PS should go visit.......
LAKE TAHOE come into picture as......
The lake is known for the clarity of its water and the panorama of surrounding mountains on all sides. The area, often referred to as Tahoe, is home to a number of ski resorts and summer outdoor recreation. ( copy from ppl mail :-p)
Without further delay, PS start her journey to lake tahoe.
First time PS travel alone somemore without proper planning(PS want Miss tour guide :-p)
Without searching info just search lake tahoe using GPS, PS start her journey to lake tahoe.
After driving for 1hour the road become narrow as it near to hill area.
PS start to feel scare but with her driving skill no worry la :-p
When PS saw ppl stop aside taking picture PS follow them stop by and check with them where is lake tahoe, after get direction PS start her journey again......
Eh!Eh! the signal board show South Lake Tahoe
yeah!yeah! PS reach destination but problem is where to stop??? problem come again aiks.....
Luckily there is old man show PS where is information center so that PS can get map for lake tahoe and go to spot where visitor can take picture.
At last after get help from several ppl, PS reach south lake tahoe and start photo shooting section.
First place PS stop for photo taking is near habour, PS stop 2nice lady help her took picture : )
Hai what to do PS din bring along Camera man or Camera gal there : (
Opposite the harbour is Ski resort, first time PS saw snow so happy. At first want stop there go touch the snow however always miss out the turn end up just able snap picture of snow : (
After finish photo shooting at south Lake Tahoe, PS heading to North Lake Tahoe as information center lady told PS there have one vista point where PS can shoot some nice picture there.
At last PS reach North Lake Tahoe
Without any delay PS stop one singapore uncle help her snap picture : o
very cold there as start snowing di : S luckily PS got her new sweater sui bo??? :-p
see see got snow!!!
Super Cold gggggrrrr
But still able posing :-p
Thanks to Uncle help PS snap picture : )
Due to winter time, FM get dark at 5sth so PS start drive back FM at 4.15PM.
On the way home, PS risk taking snap picture while driving luckily PS able get this nice sunset picture : )
Tomorrow PS will go to San Francisco, hope PS will get more good experience there.
First time PS feel proud of myself....
As PS can independently go travel and back to FM safely : ) although now think back still abit scary :-P
Think PS is qualified to become lake tahoe tour guide di : ) anybody interested???
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
climbing sinusoidal wave

Monday, December 1, 2008
Crazy shopping during Thanks Giving!!!
Thanks Giving day = Shopping day : )
So what PS do during Thanks Giving????
Told u previously, PS go to LV, LA for shopping.......
Date : 27NOV2008
Time: 4.30AM
Woke up early morning prepare travel to LV.
PS volunteer to become the driver but after drive for 1hour plus (>150miles) PS start to feel blir2 what ever Mr see say that time PS also don know hope PS din tell him any secret :-p
After drive for ~5hour at last we reach LV, first thing to do .......
sure eat la abu then where got energy to shop :-p
So we stop by PS favourite fast food stall grab her POR burger and continue trip to LV start our pre thanks giving shopping at LV factory outlet......
PS get 1skirt, 1shirt from quicksilver (50% sales hik!hik) reserve for new year : )
After shop there we go check in hotel (monte carlos) quite nice, Miss tour guide decide to meet datuk chow while PS take her role as tour guide bring MR KS around as he first time go LV. Luckily PS memory still fresh din bring KS to holand :-p
chik!chak! chik! chak! time pass by fast time to go for dinner.
Due to our leg is half "patah" :-p so we just go for monte carlos eat buffet. Buffet is nice but not much choice so eat for 2round we already stop. After fill up stomach next thing sure is gambling : )
PS manage to win 50USD for guessing number game(cant remember wat the name of the game) hehe :-p
Fremont is one of must visit place, Mr KS snap a nice video there. when the LED light on all ppl become crazy some ppl shout some dance PS also start following ppl :-p
Date : 28NOV 2008
Time: 12AM
Destination: Premium Outlet Las Vegas
Time for crazy shopping : )
Before start shopping charlie angel already set priority which shop to go first.
Make a guess what is our priority ????.......
hehe sure coach la (PS really don know why all gal crazy when talk about coach)
When we reach premium outlet, first shop we stuck at is guess although initial planning is to go coach.....
Coach have 50% offer entire store end up greedy PS buy 3 guess jeans :( but too bad she never regret although she buy a lot :-p but abit guilty
when we reach coach the queen long till cannot see the end aiks :(
crazy shopping continue till 4Am at last we have chance to enter coach and buy bag for my lovely mom : )
Time: 5AM
phew super tired thus charlie angel say bye2 to premium outlet and flying back to bed. all look like panda but still feel happy. hai think shopping is all gal favourite :-p
Summary for PS shopping : )
1 coach for mom, 2 shirt for brother(tommy), 3 guess pant for PS, 2 dress from quicksilver : )
Still sound manageable right :-p
Date: 28NOV2008
Time: 11AM
After crazy shopping sure u all think PS will sleep soundly but too bad PS cough whole night aiks so shy disturbing whole kampung :-p
Since PS disturbing all ppl thus she offer to become driver drive to LA.
estimate time: 4hour++
At last we reach dessert hill by 5PM and start our crazy shopping again.... :-p
By that time PS is super tired no more mood to shop (hehe luckily else PS wallet sure flat2 one)
We start driving to LA hotel approximate 2hour drive reach there by 12AM PS straight jump to bed zzzzz sleep soundly :-p
Time:8sth AM
Woke up early morning as group of 4 need to travel to few place like
Chinatown: breakfast + shop for ginseng(PS spend a lot here : ( buying ginseng for parent)
Universal Studio: Help MR KS snap picture since he never went there
cabazon outlet: PS buy 2adidas shoes there (buy one second one 50% sales) super cheap end up hai......(speechless :-p again abit guilty but never regret)
When reach cabazon group of 4 split and agree to meet at columbia at 6PM, but when time reach Miss adeline still missing in action luckily we able to get her at 7PM else sure hong will kill us lost his wife :-p
Without further delay Mr KS drive us back to chandler (fast and furious so scary grrr :-p)
Really enjoy Thanks giving sales but looking at the credit card bills : (
First time PS IMPALA is full with shopping thing really cant believe
PS + miss tour guide busy arrange all the shopping item fit it into IMPALA bonnet :-p
Monday, November 24, 2008
Knowing each other
Time : 2.41PM
One of PS friend woke up middle of night cant sleep chatting with PS...........
M : "hi : )"
PS : "eh why middle of night not yet sleep??"
M : "yesterday sleep too early thus cant sleep long thus kacau PS la"
PS speechless.......
PS + M chatting! chatting! chatting........
suddenly PS wondering why PS and MR X get close and become friend at first PS not really know who is M only know he is PE every time saw him sure will nod head and smile (POR action when u meet person that u don know :-p)
PS :" M do u still remember how i know u???"
M :" emm don know wo"
Both PS and M thinking, recall back how they know each other.........
M :" I know u when u start enter intel hear ppl say there is new QRE join intel and she look not and my friend say will introduce u to me but never did that :-p"
M:" So everytime saw u just knob head and smile only until i start a project with QRE and always go your cube work with the QRE that time only i know u"
PS:" haha ya la always ask me become ah mat help u check power PC available or not"
M :"Never treat u as ah mat la, then how u know me???"
PS:"Same like your story :-p"
Some time PS wondering how we get close to each other from stranger become friends.........
Think POR method really help a lot any friendship will start with smile then understand each other......
But PS think different ppl different method should be used for eg
1. Lao weng
First day when PS saw him, PS tot he is cool2 person look so keng(experience) thus PS bit afraid of him, but don know why and how we can become friend and he give me a lot good advice : )
2. Mr Bird
Know his name before see him thus when saw him already rougly know him, good in talking so easily get into the crowd very fast can become friend and always tease each other
3. Miss tour guide
First day meet her just know she is my colleagues, she will always invite PS join them for lunch once both start talk about shopping we get closed. :-p
Many more eg where without knowing why and when, PS and that person get close PS think most probably because we have something which is same hobby, same interest..........
Or just because the warmest smile???
Or maybe for no reasoan :-p
PS really feel great to have u all be my friends : ) Keep in touch
Trip to RawHide with cowboy and cowgal
RawHide only 6.6Miles from our apartment.
"shhh!shh!" PS + KS trying to sneak into cowboy house to stole their hat
Ps where got cowgal wear spec one???
Saturday, November 22, 2008
New Born Baby : )
Time : 2.57AM(US TIME)
"hey u got message"
PS phone ringtone for message,
#@%$% who SMS PS middle of the night after curse she open the message and found that her kai ko SMS her.
"My Lovely baby girl Successfully brq at lgl weight 2.2kg"
This great news make keep PS awake, no more #@%$$ but overide by happy feeling for her kai ko.
Trying to send SMS to wish kai ko "congratulation" but too bad PS forget to pay phone bill thus phone being cut once again prove PS is big prawn head :-p
Date : 22NOV 2008
Time : >7.15AM
This is first weekend where PS never go out for travel.
As since PS come to US, every weekend sure go out travel thus she wish to have rest this weekend and be prepare for next week THANKS GIVING Shopping at LA and LV. PS count down now :)
WHAT place she visit??
Las vegas, los angelas, Oregon, seattle, grand canyon, antelope.......
What PS do today???
PS wake up at 7.15AM. At first plan go for gym but after open laptop PS stuck there.
Chatting with friends lo, One of PS friend sharing piano song with PS TQ TQ.
U all really enlight PS life : )
while chatting with friends, new IM came out....
Kai Ko:"SIS"
PS :"Bro, Congratulation.!!!"
KK :"TQTQ, very tiring follow the whole delivery process"
PS :"how is the process??"(really curious :-p but think only feeling is pain nia)
KK :"Dont want scare u. but the moment u see the baby u will feel everything is worth it : )"
PS :"ko, share picture la"
PS really cant wait to see her cute nephew picture : )
Previously PS friend told PS that the most pain in the world is deliver baby is that true???
But PS really respect all the women that already deliver a baby as they are so brave because of love they willing to undergo all this pain really salute them. But PS believe the moment they see the baby the feel of joy will overtake the feeling of pain sure they will feel everything is worth it :)
Still remember lao weng mention before that the only property a couple can leave for this world is their children.
After thinking......
PS agree with lao weng, maybe u can be a rich guy/gal have everything with u but when u grow old u will still feel the loneliness but if u have your children u can see your next generation and next next generation continue on..... isn't another kind of joy : )
At last PS would like to say THANKS to my mom for bring me to this world so that PS able to see this wonderful world. PS promise wont let u angry or sad ;)
Too bad PS mom cannot read english else sure she feel touch and hug PS :-p
Friday, November 21, 2008
PS Criteria for ??
PS:"MR Bird, PS out of idea what to share today can u give PS some idea??"
MR Bird:"Write la sth like "how he look like" or "your BF criteria"
PS:" he refer to ex or mamoro?? cannot talk about ex wo later my bf(best friend) will scold me"
MR Bird:"then write about food that u ate in US la"
PS:"Cannot later PS friend will IM me and ask "PS u gain weight di?? :-p"
MR Bird:"aiyo so many limitation one, then write something funny like....(pls refer to bird blog)"
PS:"Cannot later PS saham jatuh :-p all guy run"
MR Bird:"aiks (sound give up), then dont write la"
PS:"Cannot later PS fans will feel disappointed :-p"
After get so many suggestion from Mr Bird at last PS plan to write something about......
PS BF(boy friend) criteria
Different stage of age PS have different imagination for future BF. Let PS share it one by one.....
1. Secondary School(12-20)
Whenever think about BF sure think about prince ride white horse :-p think read too much novel di. Every gal during that time talk about their ideal bf sure will say "i want a handsome bf, rich bf". Think at this age most of gal only look at appearance. Although PS got imagine how my future BF look like but her secondary School bf only book :-p
2. University time(20-24)
Hmm that time PS prince still is book :-p
But if u ask PS what is my ideal BF during this age? PS will tell u that PS wish to have a guy which is.......
Handsome la :-p PS why u never change spec one??
what to do that time PS only look at book and dont look at guy only guy look at PS :-p (alamak heard blek liao)
During 4th year of Uni time, only PS change spec why???
Because growing older u will feel that handsome is nothing as if u like a person he handsome or not is not a concern : ) (PS think this only applicable for gal, for guy sure they want pretty gal
Then PS what u want now???
hmm good question...... PS(thinking)
Actually no idea until ex approach PS. What he do differently until PS start look at him instead of book??
He is ordinary guy nothing so special (not handsome also la :-p) but he treat PS very nice in summary he very caring.
He always put PS at first place this make her feel very sweet but too bad he not the right one for PS so end up......
Break la abu then :-p
3. Working time (>25)
If u asking PS what is my BF criteria for now?? PS will answer u don know :-p like what PS share in my blog(what is love) when the right one come sure heart will able to tell.
PS think if u like a person no matter he fulfill your criteria or not u will still accept him.
But PS think most of gal like caring guy, handsome/rich is just a bonus.
Relationship is sth about feeling comfortable when u spend time together, trust, caring, always think for your other half .........:-)
No rule apply in relationship ; )
PS why your sharing like never point out your BF criteria one???
Told u di NO CRITERIA when right one come PS will know what to do one don worry for PS k
Ehem PS why sound so pro one later when the right one come u might still blir2 don know he already exist :-p
At last PS wish u all able to find your own happiness no matter what stage u are ; )
Wish PS can be like sailormoon found her mamoro some where near future : ) and live happily ever after(sound like fairy tale, PS how old are u??:-p)
First time PS cant sleep wake up at 3sth AM think this because PS took coffee at dinner time (crying.....) since nothing to do thus write blog share with u all : )
Today sure PS look like panda hope Mr right not show up today else later sure he run :-p
Aiks better PS concentrate on TP debug now else ......
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Meet ppl session
PS who is charlie Angel???
We able to enjoy our trip cox we have professional tour guide : )
Profile: Angel2
PS cant wait to see her nephew di
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
What is love???
Adeline:"when time come your heart will tell"
PS think this is the standard answer for what is love. Love is something that u cant describe, it is kind of feeling u want to be together with that person, when u in love with a person u will think of him before think of yourself and when u think about him your will smile sweetly........
L=Learn, O=Observe V=We, E=effort PS think all this element important in sustaining LOVE
perhaps u all have more accurate defination for it, please do share with PS :)
There is different stage for love....
1. Knowing each other
Meet each other, spend time together knowing each other........
In this stage the most important thing "admire" why??
As when u start admire somebody then u will start observe him and wish to know more about him.
2. Uncertainty
Guessing each other feeling
In this stage plan out strategy very important why??
As although both party got feeling but timing always wrong then for sure it wont work.
3. Holding hand going thru life
After each other agree to hold hand become bf/gf.
In this stage PS think the most important thing is give and take. u know why??
As 2 different ppl from 2different background spend time together sure will have some fireworks there but if both party able to tolerate, accept and respect your partner then congratulation
4. When Sparks gone
After couple for few year, all the sparks gone this is challenge time for couple to maintain relationship. As human being tend to take thing for granted. In love never too sure that your other half will always together with u. Learn how to appreciate each other is important.
5. Commitment
PS guess many ppl afraid of this word....
Commitment here means both party agree to spend whole life together.
Whole life sound scary as whole life sound so long and it full with uncertainty and feeling is change across time.
That why PS think when every couple come to this stage they will tend to scare to commitment but still manageable if both guy and gal already stable and looking forward for next level relationship.
If u already going thru all state above, Congratulation : )
If u still searching your other half, PS wish u good luck!!! need any advise can find PS she can give advise although..... she not yet graduate from love university :)
If u just break with your other half and now hide at corner healing your heart, PS wish u recover soon
"In the game of love,It doesn't really matter who won or who lost.When you think of your past love, you may view it as a failure.But when you find a new love, you view the past as a teacher.Love will always find a way.Will always win."
PS always feel touch when she saw a old couple holding hand together and when they look at each other u still can feel they are so loving.
PS wish everyone can find their soulmate and role model the old couple in the picture :)
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
How to upgrade from single core to quad core.....
Good part is PS life is smooth nothing bad happen : )
Not good part is PS life getting dull : (
PS what u means by "how to upgrade from single core to quad core??"
Dont mistaken ya this is not technical discussion.
Then what PS want to talk about????
Single core = only able to do one thing at one time
Quad core = at least can do 4 thing at one time
u think PS is what core??
hehe for sure quad core as everyday PS do >4thing at one time.
what she do???
everyday PS will go to lab then start her data collection and data analysis while listen to music then she will start writing her blog while chatting with all her bf and gf.
amazing ??? :-P
Company really earn a lot hire so efficient employee.
CC:" PS, what u doing now??"
PS:"PS collecting data, listen to music, write blog and chat with u la"
CC:"Wow, u really good in multitasking ha, for me i only can do one thing at one time"
PS:"hehe PS is quad core ma, u are single core"
CC:"then u need to help me upgrade to duo core"
PS:"sure sure so now everyday u need to IM with PS when u are working then time to time u can improve"
Actually PS want her friend remember to IM her by providing free upgrade from single core to >single core.
if interested can contact PS for more detail, PS will give u an discount for this :-P
Monday, November 17, 2008
SightSeeing at Antelope&&Grand Canyon
PS really wish to continue sleep however she cannot do that : (
As today PS have date with Antelope and Grand Canyon.......
hmm, better PS stop self admire else sure u all will vomit
KS:"PS cannot la, all the picture is blir i think this is due to the brightness"
PS cant wait to climb up there
This picture look artistic right?? Agree??
From Antelope -> Grand canyon ~2hour drive
"di! di! da! da!" all the way Miss yong and Miss lee show their singing talents while driving to GC. KS and Adeline is Zzzz PS think maybe cox of our song too nice till they fall asleep : ) now only PS know she have this talent.