Many friends asking how are u there?
In order for u all get a close look of PS US life, PS will do a brief introduction.
Everyday PS will go to work <9am
First thing to do after log on PC is to say hi to PS Malaysia friends before PS go for her breakfast.
Everyday there is different picture shown on PS white board, today picture is about.....
"Charlie Angel"
PS who is charlie Angel???
Charlie Angel Profile.....
Name : Miss Lee
Profile: Angel1
Miss lee is PS shopping partner in malaysia so coincident she travel to US with PS.
Now she is PS housemate, she can cook a very nice fried Bihun and maggie yummy.
Provide tour guide service - FOC one :)
We able to enjoy our trip cox we have professional tour guide : )
We able to enjoy our trip cox we have professional tour guide : )
Name : Miss Adeline Tan
Profile: Angel2
Profile: Angel2
Miss Adeline is PS module wife, currently is PS roomate.
If u got chance talk to her u will feel very comfortable. why???
As u can feel that she treat people using her heart : )
Good in cooking vege after PS try it out, PS feel shy to cook :-p thus since then all cooking work PS plan to pass to Adeline :-p
Think her life is full with happiness. u know why??
As she have found her Mr Right(MR hong) which love her very much and she get married last month.
Congratulation : )
Eh PS who is Angel3??
Aiyo refer to the white board picture la. Angel3 is PS la who else :-p
Think PS don need futher describe who is PS right? u all know me well : )
Beside Charlie Angel, PS meet many new ppl in US from PG and KM5.
Let PS introduce them for u.....
Profile: PS kai ko
Always take care PS when she in US.
Help her charge laptop, take banana from hotel.......
One of our travel patner :)
Mr chong now waiting his little baby to say hi to him : )
PS cant wait to see her nephew di
PS cant wait to see her nephew di
Mr Chong remember share your baby gal picture ya. : )
Name : KH Tan aka Bird aka Nelson
Why PS know KH??
Lao weng special request PS to take care KH as he alone that time.
First time meet KH in US only know he actually same U with PS (world very small)
Bird is the one who influence PS to write blog.....
u know why recently PS start self admire?? PS learn from Bird :-p
Bird good in writing blog, jumping && comb Bird nest(hair) if interested in all above skill please contact him. :-p
Charlie Angel always mistakenly call him as KH, pity him :-p
Always argue with PS for everything......
But when PS start show angry face he will feel nervous then say SORRY
Always help charlie Angel get free stuff from his hotel thus every morning PS cube will full with lolipop, corn flakes, peanuts, fruits...... TQTQ
Always being bully by PS :-P
KS look like PS younger brother some time abit kiddo :-p but he enlight our day in CH.
I'm so proud of myself that manage to influence u start writing blog :) and on many other stuffs too, like jumping, be kind & nice to every1, be sunny, be healthy, be positive and be happy!
Btw, self-admired is your own ability, I din teach u that.
p/s: don't miss me too much until keep calling others KH, ok? Muahahaha ~
1 more comment on your Charlie's Angels drawing... PS's face not round enough... but very look like sailormoon d ~
stop your self admire please really beh tahan liao (blek!!!)
PS is proud of her round face ok u ever see any other gal round shape but cute like PS, start self admire di :-p
Nelson, except the influence to start blogging part, you are pure bad influence.
totally agree with u MR BIRD always give bad influence one :-p
So everyone please stay away from MR BIRD else..... dangerous :-p
I already corrupted by him liao.
Boh huat so suay sit opposite him in the office.
Really Pity u. May God bless u :-p
PS like start to hear grrr from MR BIRD di
ai meh? curi curi say sth bad behind me...
practice 7 habit, never say sth bad about the absence!
u betul betul banyak peminat ;p
I am practising 7 habits leh, I am telling the TRUTH!
That day you just said yourself I already corrupted by you all, after the *ehem*, "laptop incident".
seem like MR BIRD and CK is good in 7habits :-p
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