Time: 10am
First time PS woke up late during weekend since she came to US, feeling so great but PS still look tired as she not get used to the new environment :(
Now PS eyes look like mice small + red + black circle down the eyes :( aiks
First thing PS do after woke up is IMing her bf(best friend) to get today intineary :-p
At first PS plan to go either Apple hill or Napa velly but bf told PS that now nothing to see there so PS change plan go to sacramento state capitol.
Without further delay PS go took breakfast.
After ate breakfast PS go took car, however when she press the remote seem like the car not auto unlock. PS try several time still didnt get any response from the car end up PS ask help from old uncle. After check only found out that PS forgot to turn off the light yesterday end up it causing the battery die......
: ( once again prove PS is ......
PS call hertz to help her jump car luckily PS car working after the guy jump the car for 10min.
PS din dare to switch off the engine so straight start journey to Sacramento
First destination: State Capitol (Sacramento)
Today State Capitol have marathon there, PS saw many youngster jogging around the street due to weather very cold most of them is shivering.
PS try to stop some visitor help PS snap picutre with state capitol but most of the picture not nice. Some focus on PS only no building as background, Some pic took when PS not yet ready end up PS give up just snap building picture. Think PS photo taking skill not bad :-p as many ppl stop PS to help them snap picture :) so happy able to help couple of ppl snap their group picture : )
Inside the museum, there is musical performance and PS really amazed by the building structure. u can go to below link to take a look of the picture ; )
Opposite state capitol there is one big church, the building look very unique and a lot ppl is going for prayer that time.
Without realize PS already spend 2hour at state capitol, time for PS to move to 2nd destination.
Without realize PS already spend 2hour at state capitol, time for PS to move to 2nd destination.
On her way to take car, one handsome guy look at PS and smile with PS : )
PS smile back to that guy and continue walk to parking area : ) hik!hik!
2nd Destination : Folsom Outlet
Shopping is a must in this US trip but after go thru thanks giving PS really no mood to shopping anymore. PS really good never buy anything today ; ) PS think that Folsom outlet is not really cheap compare to chandler. Same item with both FM and CH outlet but FM outlet price is 50% higher than CH outlet.
Since no mood to shopping PS just stop by MCD there have her lunch :-p MCD again..... POR meal during travelling :-p
3rd Destination : Sutter st
while driving to sutter st, PS stop by railway station and there is train go thru it. PS have chance to snap nice picture : ) After past the railway station PS reach sutter st.
PS just park car at road side and start walking around......
PS hear a loud xmas song and a lot xmas decoration there. a lot ppl skating at the open area with xmas song in a moment PS tot is xmas di :-p
All building at sutter st have it own style but most of it is old building and being decorate with xmas item
PS hear a loud xmas song and a lot xmas decoration there. a lot ppl skating at the open area with xmas song in a moment PS tot is xmas di :-p
All building at sutter st have it own style but most of it is old building and being decorate with xmas item
There is museum at sutter st but due to PS reach there >4PM PS miss the chance visit the museum : ( but nevermine PS already find out the operating hour for the museum can go there if PS back from work early : )
At first PS tot sutter st is like cowboy town but after go there PS think it more like old style building not really look like cowboy town : )
4th Destination : Dovewood ct, Orangvale
What PS do there?
PS bf told PS that the housing area got xmas decoration thus PS go there before go back hotel since it only 4.45PM when PS leave sutter st.
When PS reach there, PS saw almost every house have it own xmas decoration very nice.
PS start photo taking section.......
At first only few house open the light, got few house decoration look very nice. PS snap each of the decoration. PS really like the atmosphere there xmas song, Santa claus, deer, snow(fake one la :-p) too bad no present there else sure PS will grab one :-p
Around 5.15PM sky getting dark more and more house is start open the light and more and more ppl come there bringing children to see all the decoration. 
When sky get dark hard for PS to snap picture for all the decoration as PS camera really outdated di 3years old : ( PS try very hard only able get some nice picture.
Due to PS snap a lot picture today camera battery indicator start show low thus PS just go back hotel and plan to go there again weekday after work to snap more nice picture.
Today PS really tired as din sleep well last few day time to go to bed now else tomorrow the pattern divison share the pattern training sure PS will fishing there :-p
Good Night zzzzzz
leng zai smile at u nia? no further development? haha ~
How I wish I can be there too, it must be so damn cool to enjoy the X'mas atmosphere there ~
hehe PS also hope got further development but too bad :-p...... jk
PS so happy can experience xmas atmosphere here. don worry PS will share more nice xmas photo in this blog stay tune
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